diy fish room

  1. B

    Help with fishing tubing from basement to first floor

    Hi everyone, this is my first post on R2R! I've been a chronic lurker but I have been working on my current build this month that should be my "final" one for a real long time. I was hoping to fish 3 lines through the walls from the basement to hopefully have a line to fill my ATO, and then 2...
  2. Bipolarbear

    Large Build Bipolarbear's new kitchen (with 225gal peninsula)

    So I've had my tank up and running for 8 months now and I figured it was time to start sharing what it took to get here: The entire project actually started more than 10 years ago when a member of our local reef club got a job offer in Hawaii and had to break down and sell their 225 acrylic...
  3. Tricina

    Monster Build Our 500 gallon build

    Another 500 gallon build!! 210 reef 210 fish only. The sump is a 125 that holds about 80 gallons of water. Been planning it for many years have only about a month left of the manual labor half of the build for the room and tanks! We are actually getting some frag tanks this weekend and setting...