diy acrylic

  1. S

    Orange/yellow sump color scheme?

    Dupe, please delete
  2. H

    Started a new 2.5g nano tank with floating aquascape!!!

    Always looking to keep my interest peaking in this hobby. I like creating so I’m looking at this hobby ways to do things different while sticking to the basics. this a DIY 2.5g which is a mimic of my other nano tanks, which are much larger. going shopping for some new coral tomorrow looking to...
  3. JLReef

    Build Thread my custom 2,5 gallon pico setup

    bieng on a budget getting a full reef tank filled with corals i thought why not go smaller. i love the maintaining part of it. i know smaller is harder but i love that challange. i got this little Dennerle tank and made a internal sump with black acrylic with the help of my handy grandpa. got...
  4. wonderphil-reef

    Guess there is a leak :(

    So building a small acrylic tank, test how easy it is. It's only tiny, but I filled it with water today, and I think I have a small leak It's only one side. I used a different glue on that side compared to the rest. On that side, I used Tensol 12 compared to the other side using Acrifix 192
  5. psyduckie

    40G Shallow Tank Build

    Anyone else built their own acrylic tank with built in filtration? Would love to see pictures!!! Here is my build- 36x24x12”
  6. psyduckie

    40G Acrylic Tank Build

    Hello! Wasn’t sure where to post my question. I just got into the hobby. Decided to save some money and build an acrylic tank. My tank is 36x24x12 (lwh). Sides are 3/8” and bottom is 1/4” thick.I have attached some pics as well. Before I add water and start cycling, I was wondering if anyone...
  7. Minhaj Qazi

    DIY Wave Box

    Hi Reefers. Its been few weeks i was Searching for some details on a DIY Wave Box , but couldnt find simple detailed making procedure specially on youtube or r2r. Therefore I decided to Try to make one myself with Hit and Trial and It Worked Wonderfully. Here are some details 1. Using a Used...
  8. DrLazyReef

    Build Thread 110G build from India, wishful thinking ..

    Namaste y'all, Sammy here from Eastern india. I am having another foray into reefing after a long while. I was 16 when I started my first setup, I am 27 now. I had a 3 feet, 70 gal setup with mostly Lps, a huge sebae anemone, few tridacna clams, tubastrea and nps gorgs, and few acros too, with...
  9. Uzair Aiman

    Acrylic bonding to acrylic and to glass.

    Hi. I’m currently planning on making a DIY AIO tank. I’m planning to use acrylic as the back compartment (overflow and baffles) and ive ordered them seperate of each other. How do I connect the acrylic sheets to each other? And how do I connect it to the glass? I’ve also bought some black...
  10. Y8ZC

    Best Acrylic glue/weld for DIY Acrylic Tank That has Been Laser Cut?

    Hey Everyone! I just finished building an acrylic nano dropoff that holds water but has lots of air bubbles at the seams and joints. I go to an engineering college and have access to a laser cutter. After cutting, I run into the problem of the edges that were cut have a slight angle to them...
  11. Dragonstar

    10,000 gallon "moat" in a geodesic dome

    For many reasons I've decided to build a 38' diameter geodesic dome to house an aquaponics system. This will be the culmination of many years of ideas and components coming together. I'd like it to be a functional space to grow fish and produce to eat, and also an idyllic retreat for relaxing...
  12. R

    Please help!! New to R2R acrylic seam process.

    Hello there, I am in desperate need of help. After months of research I have finally purchased enough acrylic to build two tanks. One will be about 20 gallons (as a practice tank) and one will be 150 gallons. Before I touched any of that material I bought a 1 square foot x 1/2” thick cast...
  13. fade2black

    Nano Build Fade's back with a custom acrylic 12.5G nano tank build

    Hi everyone. Been lurking around here again for the past week or so since I got the itch to start another reef tank. Long story short, like several of you I have been in and out of the reef hobby. Started when I got out of the military back in '99, setup my first tank late that year (15 High...
  14. wesamazmy

    Amazing Frag Tank Build, Acrylic Sump, I am really proud of it ;)

    See my recent build here, a nice and very professional frag tank with a nice acrylic sump I had studied all the details carefully before I start, please let me know what you think? Tank dimenstions: 120x70x35 cm Glass thickness 12mm
  15. Mason Michalski

    Looking for improvements to my 1st Commerc. Sump, PlasmaSumps P-150

    Hey guys, I just finished up my two month long build process, from 2D Design, 3D design, sourcing Acrylic during an Acrylic shortage, sourcing a reliable CNC shop for my product, and designing a logo. I've designed and built everything myself, and wanted to share with you guys my finished...
  16. Woodneers

    USA Any acrylic cutters want to help a brother out?

    I’m looking for someone to help me construct a filter sock holder that will fit in a 90 gallon diy sump. I purchased a tank that came with a standard 90 gallon tank/diy sump. It has baffles but no sock holder/ overflow silencer. I could cut it all out by hand but if someone could help me it...
  17. zenistler

    Hello New 150 gallon in Minneapolis

    Hello All! New to Reef2Reef. I currently have a 35 gallon set up but just got an acrylic 150 gallon that is 30"Hx24"Wx48"L. Will DIY my own 30 gallon sump and stand. Will be posting updates as I polish my acrylic and get it all set up. I am curious how you all would aquascape and what size...
  18. MadeForThat

    AIO Build Overflow to add sump to innovative marine nuvo fusion tank!

    Hi Guys, new to R2R, but a long time lurker. I have been using this overflow for about 2 years now with no trouble, so I figured it was time to show it off! It will overflow about 2-300gph to my sump, and will automatically start and stop when the water level rises above the baffle just before...
  19. Louiemiller9

    How Hard Could It be? ...Hard

    Hey guys, so I just wanted to start a thread to document my journey throughout the aquarium fabrication process. I have access to CNC Routing tables which will help with the initial Mock-up when I go to cut it. All of my files are original and completely custom to this tank build. So...
  20. Eg0790

    Custom 45 gallon Build

    New here, just wanted to share my custom build with all of you, i custom built the stand and made it in white acrylic over a sheet of quartz to make sure it was sitting level.this is a downgrade from my previous 65 gallons, i wanted something small built to my taste. The tank is a SCA 45 gallons...
  21. Justgottadiy

    New AIO filtration redesigned

    Being in this hobby and loving to create and invent things and this is one of them. I hope you like it First thing is the tank is 20g 12/20/20 inches but the system is 30g 12/20/29 but we here at innovative acrylic we don’t count the filtration as the size of the tank just to seem bigger Also...
  22. This guy is Extra Salty

    DIY sumps / dosing containers

    I have a couple of “custom” sumps that I have built for people Please feel free to critique me Custom engraving Waiting on input from customer.. (size of return and skimmer section) I get everything cut with a precision laser, and I use a burmac machine to smooth the sides. 1/1000th...
  23. This guy is Extra Salty

    DIY AIO 5gallon nano

    So I was a bit bored at work and was like hey let’s build something I figured why not better than dying of boredom.. I found a few pieces of acrylic and decided to make a “prototype” AIO.. about 15 minutes later coming off a laser cutter and some weld-on Go ahead and critique it I know some...