disease possibly?

  1. M

    Singular spot the whole time in QT

    Hey everyone I have a purple tang in qt rn and it has a single spot on its dorsal fin and has since I got it. Not gotten worse or better in any sense I’ve been watching the fish like a hawk. No medication has been dosed and the singular spot hasn’t changed. It also doesn’t really protrude the...
  2. jibson

    EMERGENCY What's wrong with my Pyramid butterflyfish?

    So I've had this pyramid for about 2 months, arrived to be in bad shape - treated for flukes, standard QT and all was well. Last few days I noticed a strange wart on him and some discolouring (dark coloured - reminds me of lymph but as it's not white-ish I'm not sure) This could just all be...
  3. SelkieSam

    Help- Duncan coral suddenly not extended

    Hi! I have had this Duncan coral for almost a week and it has been doing well. I just checked my tank parameters this morning and made no adjustments today since everything was good. It was happy all day but when I just looked again it has no tendrils extended, mouth is open, and I see this...
  4. flakychips

    Is this normal for Elegance coral? Or is it new additions to my tank?

    Hey guys relatively new to reefing and our tank is now five months old, so we thought it would be a good time to introduce the Elegance coral into the tank. It has been two weeks and all parameters were normal. However, since we noticed sand clumping, we introduced five conch snails. Now, it...
  5. RaisingKane

    Possible Disease Introduction

    I didn't quarantine a recent introduction (I know! I need to do it) and I noticed that the fish had a white dust and a few white spots on him. I immediately took him out of my DT but he was in there for a few hours. So heres the question: How long does it take to introduce a disease into the...
  6. Coker

    EMERGENCY Copper band twitching

    I have a copper band butterfly that i have had for over a month and he just started twitching out of the blue. Could this just be stress related as i have just moved him to a different qt or am i looking at something that i need to treat here?
  7. RealWorld

    Identification of white crusty patch on Majestic Angel

    My 5” Majestic Angel is acting and eating normally, but I noticed this white crusty looking patch just on one side of his body as shown in the attached picture/video. Does anyone know what this is, what could have caused it and the best course of action to treat it before it gets worse. I first...
  8. B

    What is wrong with my clownfish?

    Hi everyone, I’m fairly inexperienced at keeping marine fish but I’ve managed to get 6 months in without any disasters - touch wood. But I’m now having concerns about my clownfish. I first noticed something may be wrong around 2 weeks ago, under blue lights I noticed what looked like white...
  9. HawaiiTanks808

    Help green chromis disease suspected

    I had heard chromis could sometimes pick each other off thats the only reason I didn't think to research till now. I'm new to chromis and had no idea there was a specific disease that could effect them. I've now lost 3 chromis to what I thought was aggression, they all ended up with this red...
  10. RedFrog211

    Holes developing in fins

    With the recent tropical storm that hit the US, my house had no power for 60 hours. I had to relocate the fish to a shop we own. I noticed a splotch on my clown’s pectoral fin, but knew there wasn’t much I could do. (I was at work when the storm hit and the tank had gone 16 hours without power...
  11. Brocksreef117

    Clownfish with infection?!

    I got this clown about two months ago and I noticed that the base of her pectoral fin has some type of crust on it now it has a white dot perturbing out of the abrasion
  12. M

    EMERGENCY What’s wrong with my clowns

    So this morning I walked down stairs to find my all white clownfish swimming vertically and look like skin peeling and my other closing swimming fine with little skin peeling off not sure if one got sucked into my protein skimmer since it’s a hang on the back one of some one can please help me...
  13. T

    Sand or ich or battle scars?

    I honestly can’t tell what this is. Idk if I’m over reacting, but I was cleaning the glass and saw this on my clown. None of the other fish in the tank have anything like that. And also to note that clown has been being picked on by the other clown in the tank, so idk if those are just marks...
  14. A

    What killed this Flame Angelfish?

    I recently bought a Flame Angelfish that unfortunately passed in less than a day. I was wondering what killed it. I noticed that it was breathing pretty quickly and had white bubbles all over it. Attached is the best picture I could get of it, you might notice some of it on the tail. I brought...
  15. ItsNiQi

    Is it Brook, Velvet or Ich?

    I first noticed about two weeks ago that my young Photon Clownfish showed a slight difference in appearance. Since his eating habits haven’t changed and his overall demeanor was the same I said I would just look over him for the next week or so. Today I looked at him and it seems to have gotten...
  16. BighohoReef

    HLLE on my Tang?

    Reading, comparing, treating... I went to FishMD and am self-diagnosing my Kole which I think has HLLE (Head and Lateral Line Erosion disease) He has patches on the underside near the left side flipper. I started treating him with beta glucan I can't keep him still long enough to take a...
  17. P

    Unknown Illness; Need Help with ID

    My clownfish recently jumped into the filter section of my tank and ended up in my media basket. I took him out, but I moved kind of quick and I am afraid he might have gotten scratched up. There is a weird spot on his side. It is almost translucent. It honestly looks like he is missing some...
  18. B

    New Blue Tang looks off?

    I got this blue tang 3 days ago and its been in my QT tank because of the filmy look to it. Marine Velvet and Ich both have dots associated with them so I don't know if this guys actually sick or if hes just stressed? no change in the 3 days. Also excuse the dirty tank, its my QT in my...
  19. Imnotjakeyv

    Help identifying something on my clownfish.

    I’m relatively new to marine aquarium keeping I’ve had freshwater in my household my entire life growing up but this is my first salt tank and my first to keep by myself. I had been given an “established” tank from my neighbor who had to move and couldn’t keep the tank. After doing weeks and...
  20. Ryan Hilton

    Help ID growth on pink monti sps

    Need help ID this growth and how to get rid of it. It’s very slow growing. A dark brownish green color. Won’t scrape off. I used vibrant for green bubble algae and it didn’t slow this growth. 2 photos are from 2 different sides with blues on and aquarium cam auto settings. Last is with just...
  21. Pluteaz

    What could this be?

    Hello, A couple weeks ago I posted about my Tang looking for a diagnosis. It was concluded to be the start of a bacterial infection. I started dosing kanaplex which has definitely helped. I was advised to give a better diet, the infection is almost cleared. However this has kept up at first it...
  22. Pluteaz

    Diagnosis Please, What's This Patch on my Tang?

    I've had this guy in quarantine for about a week and noticed this developing a couple days ago. Any clue as to what it is and how to treat? He is eating fine, but every now and then he kinda flex curls to that side, so I think it's agitating him more.
  23. Adellimore

    To Fallow or not to Fallow

    Hi all, I have a fairly new 180G tank setup that I probably stocked way too fast and did not have a QT process. I cycled the tank for two weeks and then added 6 fish about 2 weeks apart. I tried to find a reliable LFS to purchase my fish from, but after 2 months I have had some losses. 1 onyx...
  24. Foofer77

    Clownfish help please!

    I have looked at several pictures online, but I am having trouble identifying what this could be... can anyone help?
  25. Melia

    Help! Spotting on my yellow tang-disease?!

    I recently got a yellow tang from my local pet store, and it has been developing some dark splotching on its’ scales. Is it Black Ich? I don’t know exactly what it is and i have no idea how I could fix this. Anything helps you guys!