
  1. W

    Royal Gramma Fins Tattered

    Hello there! Sorry for the slightly blurry/blue images, they were the best I could get with this little guy constantly trying to hide. I have a system that’s about 4 months old and a royal gramma that was added a little more than a week ago. Since addition, I’ve noticed his fins beginning to...
  2. R

    White bumps on Clowns

    I noticed today that my clownfish have white bumps on their skin. Both clowns are the size of a quarter and less than a year old. I dont think it is velvet as the bumps are too big and not as numerous. I have shrimp and invers in my tank. 1: I have a 29 gallon display with HOB filters (floss...
  3. ShrimpBandit

    What counts as "rapid" breathing, anyway? VIDEO

    I've got a lawnmower blenny who doesn't seem particularly lethargic, has good color and what seems like a healthy appetite. However, it also seems like he's got some rapid breathing going on, and maybe some redness around the gills? I might be a little paranoid, but I have a hospital tank...
  4. jdbot

    Black spots on Spotted Puffer

    Hey all. We got a Hawaiian spotted puffer which was added to a newly setup QT 4 days ago (1.023 gravity, HOB filter, powerhead and air stone available but not always used). We've gone the observation route first so no treatment has been given. We just noticed a few black spots on the puffer (and...
  5. Idaknow15

    See through marks on black clownfish?

    Have hopefully attached a video of my clowns both of which have some white patches on them easiest seen on the black male and some even look see through on him! They are both acting the same and eating fine. I have added 3 new corals in the last couple of days but otherwise nothing different to...
  6. Foggy Pirate

    Help with Candy Canes!

    Hey Everyone iv seen some other threads going from it’s corline algea to its dying that you might need to cut off the head, to its regular algae so i figured i would post my pictures. And make my own post for some personal help. So I bought these from Manhatten Aquairums, the guy was really nice...
Pirates Reef Corals