
  1. W

    Any of you never have to deal with fish illness? Like me.

    Besides adding fish to a tank that is newly cycled, I have never had a fish get sick other than that time period. I have one saltwater tank and four freshwater tanks (I have around 80 fish and over 15 species). I have only had three fish get sick when they were the first fish in a newly cycled...
  2. Wuffletoast

    New rockwork in older tank

    Due to an outbreak of Ich in my DT I was able to fight and treat the infected fish. This opened up the opportunity for a new look in my tank after the copper was removed. This is my first rockscape attempt. The last set was just five rocks leaning against each other. The fish really liked the...
  3. Meista_Flya

    Keeping it simple? Going more complex ? what say you?

    Ever since getting back into the Hobbie a few years back I've debated on how simple to keep my aquarium set up. Due to the fact that I travel for work, a neptune apex system was a must for me in my Hobby. I've since added and subtracted numerous of reactors and components to make my aquarium...
  4. TopShelfAquatics

    How do you pick which vendor to shop with??

    Today we are very lucky to have so many choices when it comes to fish and coral vendors. But with so many options out there, what are the biggest things you as a consumer look for when deciding where you are going to spend your hard earned money? We would love to hear what you look for both...
  5. ToastedRatSandwich

    Eheim climacontrol

    So, I saw an article about this Eheim climacontrol chiller/heater combo, and was immediately interested. However, I suppose it is too new or still being developed, because i couldnt find a place to inquire on purchasing one. Anyone have any further info on this, as in where or when it may be...
  6. T

    Moving to REDSEA REEFER Question/Discussion

    Hello, I am currently a law student about to graduate (3L) and the end of tight finances is finally near, Hooray! I have been running an Innovative Marine AIO 20 gal since about 2016/2017. It has been great to me and I've gotten to work out all the issues a reef tank can bring. I run an...
  7. Reefer_punk

    ICP testing nessesary or marketing?

    Is ICP testing really nessesary? Would love to hear the thoughts you have on this. In my humble opinion ICP testing is a piece of the puzzle I which we are able these days to keep so many different types of corals and often in the same tank. The older hobbyists maybe know that back in the...
  8. jackalexander

    Online Fish Acclimation

    I have heard some crazy ideas for acclimating fish that have been on long journeys to our homes such as using soda stream carbonation to match the pH in order to reduce the risk of gill burn after introducing O2 to the bag. What would be the simplest method (besides dripping) for acclimating a...
  9. jackalexander

    Quarantine Startup

    About to treat my YWG for a bacterial infection using kanaplex and metroplex. Does anyone keep their QT running 24/7 or just start it up whenever you need to? Do you continue the cycle fishless using bottled ammonia or just keep a fish in there at all times?
  10. wolt

    Just got some new corals

    Just got some new corals. Let me know if they look healthy or not :)
  11. C_mo97

    Do you have caves? Why or Why not?

    Here is one of my caves in my 120. I think it’s for stressed or skidish fish to hide. What’s your take on caves and if they are necessary or not?
  12. Perpetual Novice

    Is a Six-Line Wrasse a bad idea?

    I have a melanurus wrasse that has outgrown my 30 galloon biocube and will soon be moving to my 100 gallon reef. I want to replace him with another wrasse that helps with pest control and was thinking of maybe getting a six-line wrasse. Plenty of people say they are great community fish and...
  13. SimplyVibing

    Why should people care about the well-being of fish?

    As the title says. I’m in a contest with $1250 at stake, and I’ve designed a starter kit for beginners interested in the hobby. So, why should people care about housing fish correctly, and giving them the best lives possible? Thanks guys!