
  1. 8

    Glass dirty after only 24 hours?

    Hello, This is my glass after only 24 hours. I have needed to clean it everyday. You can see where my turbo snails are helping. What can I do to keep the glass clean longer or what is happening here? Fish and coral seem happy. All parameters are in normal range except Nitrates are around...
  2. fox0521

    Why is my newly mixed saltwater dirty??

    I’ve noticed my newly mixed saltwater having some brown “stuff” in it lately. Tried rinsing and wiping away the brown build up on the walls of the container (nfs brute can), but it came back after a couple mixes. The last water change I did on my 55 g seemed to tick off my Duncan and hammer...
  3. AquariumDani

    Is everything OK?

    Is my tank too dirty? What do I add for a CUC? I have 3 mexican turbo snails, 4 astrea, 1 nassatrius (idk) snail, I had 1 tiger conch but I haven't seen him in a week. My corals and fish seem happy and my corals are open and growing pretty quickly. Parameters: Alk: 9.2dKH Cal: 400ppm Mg...
Queen City Corals