
  1. H

    EMERGENCY Seachem reef dip reached display tank

    Hi everyone. I just accidentally dropped one or two drops of seachem reef dip in my tank. It's around 50 gal total. Should I do something? I figured since it's so diluted, I wouldn't have problems. The tanks is 1 month old and I have a pair of clowns and some GSP. Thanks
  2. H

    Seachem reef dip reached display tank

    Hi everyone. I just accidentally dropped one or two drops of seachem reef dip in my tank. It's around 50 gal total. Should I do something? I figured since it's so diluted, I wouldn't have problems. The tanks is 1 month old and I have a pair of clowns and some GSP. Thanks
  3. Reef and Dive

    Please STOP CIPROFLOXACIN DIPS and other antibiotics

    It is surprisingly frequent the use of antibiotics on DIPs these days. Some users know me as a reefer only, but I am also a doctor. I will not enter the discussion on holobiont and why bacteria are important for the corals… But I would like to create a HUGE ALERT about dipping corals on...
  4. OldRed1

    Dipping In CoralRX and Iodine?

    I purchased my first coral recently, a hammer coral, and want to make sure I properly dip the coral before placing it in the tank. I have read about dipping in CoralRX as well as dipping in Lugol's iodine solution and have several questions: (1) Should I do both back to back? If so, should I...
  5. jdemarco

    Massachusetts Package Deal Drygoods SOLD Additive, Aids, Fixes, Food, Dip, Meds, Supplement,

    Located in Mass, pickup only, not shipping Selling as a WHOLE LOT. Must buy the whole thing as I am not splitting up. Cheap enough to buy the lot and sell or discard or keep the rest. ******Not splitting up don't ask ****". The whole LOT Is priced at ONLY 49!!!!!!! Lots of great stuff to keep...
  6. chemicals

    White spots on clove polyp

    Hi, today I noticed some white spots on my clove polyp. It kinda looks like zoa pox. Does anyone have experience with this? thanks
  7. B

    Prefered coral dip

    What coral dip do you use? Are you loyal to a certain brand? Use depending on situation? Don't use it at all? Let me know down below.
  8. C

    Help- I got superglue on my Ricordea Mushroom, anything I can do?

    The title basically speaks for itself. I bought a small Ricordea mushroom today, between the size of a dime and nickel, but it came on possibly the smallest piece of rubble possible. It kept getting blown over and off the rock I had it on, so I tried gluing that rock down to my aquascape. In...
  9. scotto

    Reef Primer or CoralRx as a Trochus Snail Dip

    Hi Everyone, So after some long painful searches, I can find little to no data regarding the dipping of clean up crew members, specifically Trochus snails. For those who have encountered an unwanted flatworm invasion, I think it is useful to understand that the shells of our CUC can harbor any...
  10. Thawman

    Elegance coral dip/treatment?

    Transferred from a 40g to a 100g. Have had the elegance just over 1.5 years. Initially was PO'ed going into the new tank then seemed to settle out. Now over the last 2-3 weeks I'm seeing some tissue recession. 1 week ago did a Revive, Iodine, and a Chemiclean dip. Appeared to be healthy...
  11. reefsaver

    What is the coolest Hitchhiker that has made their way into your tank?

    We all like to treat our Coral with dip and maybe some of us don't do it or never have at all. I would like to know, what is the coolest hitchhiker that has made their way into your tank? Through buying Coral, live rock or live sand or anything. It would be interesting to find out if anyone has...
  12. E

    Unknown critter ID

    I saw this thing crawl out of one of my rocks during coral feeding, I swiftly took it out but am concerned on what it is please help I.d this thing for me ,thank you.
  13. polyppal

    A believer in H2O2

    Wanted to share my experience with the effectiveness of H2O2 baths This whitetail tang had an advanced case of velvet, and after a few days in the QT was on deaths door :( I ended up treating him with a 30m Hydrogen Peroxide bath (following @Humblefish instructions) followed by a standard...
  14. Wet Sleeve

    Flatworm ID

    Quite sure these little fellas came on some recent frags, don’t seem to be bothering much aside from me. curious if anybody can ID them, they’re extremely small, maybe 2mm and brown in appearance, I’m treating with PraziPro atm after seeing it irritates them in a coral bath, however they’re...
  15. MnFish1

    What products/methods have you used/tried to 'cure' RTN

    There is a lot of talk about curing Rapid Tissue Necrosis (RTN) and Slow Tissue Necrosis (STN)Lately. How do people deal with it? In the comment section - please post how successful the treatment was - and why you used your particular method. Though it might have been better to allow people...
  16. nightmarepl

    can i Coral RX these Corals? please advice

    slowly ill be bringing in my corals into the my new tank have a few corals i want to bring in hopefully not killing them using coral RX dip small list of stuff i currently have, Red Acan, Toadstool, Duncan whisker, rasta zoas, few other zoas , palythoas , Xenias, Hammer Coral, pretty sure thats...
  17. nightmarepl

    Advice Required on Dipping corals

    hey guys, im upgrading my tank in the next few weeks currently cycling and my current tank i have is a mini reef but i do have alot of unwanted pests / crap i basically do not want in the new tank sponges / bristle worms / vert snails and such so ill be slowly taking out corals and hopefully...
  18. BangedUp

    Coral dipping

    what is everyone’s go to coral dip that can’t use Bayer because of it killing shrimp. One of my gobys lost his buddy and I don’t want anymore to die from Bayer
  19. AwildcatsZ

    Red Planaria...freshwater dip?

    So I am in the middle of a battle with Red Planaria which has been going on for several months now. I've tried manual removal (keeps the population down, but it comes back), Flatworm eXit (corals do not like this), 12 Line Wrasse, and a Blue Velvet Nudibranch. Some of these have shown promise...
  20. Aaron Davis

    Coral Dipping

    Hey all! I posted in an earlier thread that I received some new corals. I don't have a frag rack, nor are any of these new corals on plugs. Not exactly sure what they are, but I'm going to go with DSC Reef's guesses and say one is a brownish plating monti, a confusa spongode monti, a...
  21. Aaron Davis

    QT New Corals?

    Hey guys. I just picked up 4 corals from a guys tank in my local area. It looked like his tank may have ich and it didn't look well cared for. I got 3 species of Montipora and one Frag of candy cane. How should I go about this? Coral dip then QT in a fishless tank for the 73 days or.....? Also...
  22. Reefahholic

    Can anybody confirm if BAYER really changed their formula?

    There's been a lot of speculation lately (on my local board) that Bayer changed it's "original" Complete Insect Killer formula due to Honey-Bee deaths. Bummer... because I liked dipping my coral with Bayer. I hear that Home Depot no longer carries it, but several people reported that Lowe's...
  23. potatocouch

    Introducing Fish (No Quarantine)

    To those that don't have the budget (or time) to set up a QT , do you guys do a quick dip (not bath) to your new fish before putting them in the DT? Stress causes ich and by doing a freshwater dip, aren't we stressing the fish, hence promoting ich? Or am I missing the idea?
  24. rantipole

    Adding Snails

    I'm a new reefer. My tank has had fish and some softies for a little less than two months. I've got some hair algae going on, so I have been thinking of adding a few snails. I have some questions: 1) Do you quarantine snails before adding them to the tank? 2) Do you dip snails before adding...
  25. sayitfast

    First coral - I will forever dip

    I was at Reef A Palooza this weekend and picked up a colony of Zoanthids. As this was my first coral I did some reading the night before. I was concerned if I should dip... read several threads both for and against. Most agreed it should be done. So when I arrived home tonight I did some...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens