
  1. K

    Need UV Nuvo 10 Desktop

    Hello all! I am battling dinos and need a UV for my Nuvo 10 desktop. I cant seem to find this version of UV anywhere! I cab only find the replacement bulb. If anyone is willing to sell me one please let me know. (Disclaimer: I hope its ok to talk business here. If not, this is an honest...
  2. K

    Dino ID and solution

    Can soembody please help me ID this dino and how to beat? Thanks!
  3. A

    Help with Algae ID and solutions ?

    I have an algae appear that I need help w ID. It grows in a stringy reddish brown growth pattern. Also it may or may not have air bubbles within the algae . It may be clinging to it from my HOB SKIMMER. My tank is 2 years old. Thx
  4. CryptoNautical

    Dino identification please.

    Please help identifying these Dino’s. They rapidly move and zigzag back and forth. Im at a loss I just hope they aren’t large cell. I tried to upload a 10 second video but for some reason it isn’t allowing me.
  5. K

    Can someone please ID this algae?

    Hello, I've went fallow on my tank for a couple months due to a velvet outbreak. During this time I started to get some GHA throughout the tank and it slowly turned into this webby reddish algae. I was thinking about getting some fish soon since the velvet is more than eradicated by now, but I...
  6. Woodman

    What's that dino?!

    I finally purchased a microscope after dealing with this dinoflagellate for a year and the battle is still going on! If I can get some expert advice on the type that would be greatly appreciated. That would allow me to find out the right way to deal with this enemy that will not go away. Thank...
  7. F

    Dinos ID

    Looking for a second opinion. Looks like Ostreopsis to me, but just wanted to make sure.
  8. Rowboman

    My continuing battle with dinos

    So I’ve been running my first reef tank for about 4 months now. 30 gallon with 10 gallon sump. About 5 gallons of the sump space is setup as a refugium. Never really had much of an ugly phase until a month and a half ago when I had a huge dino outbreak. Within a few days everything was...
  9. D

    Dinoflagellates or Diatoms?

    Hi. I’ve been dealing with this for a very long time now with diatoms growing on my sand and I’ve even reduced lighting a lot and they still keep coming. Now I just decided to ask if anyone knew what was growing on my rocks and how I can get rid of them and maybe grow some corraline algae. I’m...
  10. B

    Help ID'ing dinos please!

    Just a quick overview before we begin, one I would like to thank you for taking your time to read and help me out and two I'll keep a close eye for any replies. So I have a 90 gallon aquarium with no Coral just two clownfish, one neon goby, one blue sapphire damsel, and one fox face rabbitfish...
  11. S

    Dinoflagellates identification

    I’m going on a month and a half of Dino’s. I finally picked up a microscope to help identify what kind they are. Can anyone help ID these? It appears like 2 different kinds. Too hard for me to tell. Thank you
  12. chemicals

    Dinoflaggelates identification

    Hi, Hi, i’m currently batteling dinos and I was wondering if you could help me id these. Zoom is 250x. My guess is amphidinium small cell.
  13. Oceansinmybasement

    Dino help

    I know there are many threads about treating Dino’s, but I think I have a bit of a unique case and need some help deciding on treatment/management. I have a 80 gal tank (mixed reef) about 2 months old, and confirmed Dino’s by aggregation test today. A few weeks ago my nutrients bottomed out and...
  14. A

    Is this brown algae or dinos?

    When i try to scrape it off it disperses like sand. Everything is turning brown, even the substrate and glass. I tried buying a phosphate test buy i could find it here so i’ll try and see if an aquarium store can perform the water tests. The ammonia is at 0.25ppm and salinity at 1024
  15. D

    Stringy Algae, Dino’s, or cyano(no bubbles)???

    Does anyone have an idea what this could be? I have had them pop up on the past and I thought it was Dino’s, but it disappeared for a while and now has made its way back, but now more than ever. Should I dose vibrant? Thank you!
  16. A

    How can introduce livestock from a dinoflagellates infested tank to a new one safely?

    I have a hermit crab and a turbo snail that were in a dinoflagellates infested tank. If i introduce them to my tank, will i be introducing the dinoflagellates as well?
  17. S

    Dinos ?

    I have just purchased a microscope after believing that my diatom outbreak looked slightly different than usual with bubbles in them. the photos are below and some microscopic photos what do we think ?
  18. Z

    Leaving on a night light? During a intentional tank blackout.

    TL:DR can/should I leave a very low wattage "night light" on during a blackout to reduce the likelihood of my fish from accidentally swimming into an anemone? So I have, something (algae/Dinos/whatever*) that I am planning on doing a 3 day blackout for. Last time I did a blackout I lost a...
  19. AquaPhilNJ

    Dinos over 1 year

    I've had dinos so long I feel my self giving up a little, been so long can't remember 1 year maybe more? I've read many things before. I maintain nitrate 4 ppm , phosphate 0.03ppm. So I dont' understand why it remains. Here's a pic and my aquarium logs...
  20. christianscorals

    Dinos, diatoms? microscope pic for help!

    Hello everyone. I have been struggling to i.d this stuff on my sandbed, it looks like some type of dino but can’t pinpoint to any in specific. just want to i.d and start the battle already, thanks for any help
  21. A

    Dinoflagellate ID

    Good day. Could someone help me identify what type of Dino these are so I know how to combat them? have a video and a few stills.
  22. D

    Stringy algae growing out of control and hurting corals! Please help.

    Hello, so I have been into the reefing hobby for about a year and a half now and about 4 months ago I purchased this 30 gallon tank and cycled it, and placed a few fish and corals in. I am at about the 3-4 month mark and all of the sudden this strongly algae began to grow very quickly and in a...
  23. A

    Questions about prorocentrum

    Hi everyone, I've posted multiple threads of my battle with prorocentrum dinoflagellates, and I believe I am in the later stages of the outbreak (knock on wood). Anyways I did end up removing the sand, and I don't regret it because I like the way bare bottoms look. Now I know that prorocentrum...
  24. C

    Is thiz dinos?

    Just started dosing phosphate, and will begin dino X tonight as I believe its dino algae? Battling few months now, and tried feeding heavier, lowering phosphates originally with GFO, and manual removal. Covering all rocks and coral ATM, so at this point it's time for dino x. Hanna phosphates...
  25. A

    Dinoflagellate ID help

    Hey y’all, just took a microscope video of some dinos, but I can’t quite make out what species. Can anyone identify? PS: videos usually work on a laptop or desktop from my experience. #reefsquad