dino cyano

  1. Reefing Reefer

    Is this good or bad?

    So I’ve been battling with Dino for a couple months started a treatment of red slime. I noticed everything got much more solid, but I walked into my sand rising along with a layer of Dino. It was pretty easy to remove once hardened. My questions is: 1. Is this good or bad? On one hand I can...
  2. H

    What is this brown slime?

    No bubbles in this stuff except when matted on algae. It is a fluorescence orange when under blue light. I'm stumped and thinking it's cyano or maybe some kind of dino. any help is greatly appreciated
  3. L

    Algae algae algae

    How do I deal with this. Getting bad. What type of algae is this??? I dosed vibrant once. My tanks only a few months old...should I boil everything and start over?
  4. Z

    EMERGENCY Trying to figure out what kind of algae is growing

    Hey guys, just trying to figure out what kind of algae I have growing I’m reasonably new to the saltwater hobby is there anyone that can point me down the right path.
  5. wonderbassist

    Cyano/Dino outbreak

    I’ve got some microscope pictures! I have a Cyanobacteria outbreak, it’s starting to grow over some corals. I used chemiclean 2 weeks ago, did the 20% water change after and have continued with my weekly 10% maintenance changes. The cyano came back way worse, I’ve also been dosing vibrant. I see...
  6. W

    NEED ID: Got my nuisance under the scope!

    Hi guys, I've been reading this group for many months.:) 6 weeks ago I started my cycling of a 43 gallon tank without fish and with dry rock and live sand. There is no longer ammonia or nitrites and nitrates are at 100 ppm (Red Sea) and phosphates are barely detectable, 0.01 (AF) or zero. For...
  7. Oceanis

    This has taken over my tank. Plz help!

    Hi, Ive been out of the hobby since HS (used to be very active on Reef Aquarium Guide) but recently got back into it and got a waterbox Peninsula 25 for Christmas. Everything was going great until I moved house and left by aquarium to be looked after by family for a couple months.... when I...
  8. S

    Dino cell? Amphidinium?

    I’ve just looked under the microscope to see what looks like to be Dino cells. In my tank there isn’t much brown strands anywhere (not out of control) I just found some brown strands on my Zoas this morning? Can anybody help.
  9. McReeferNista

    I cannot get my tanks under control with flurry of pests

    Hello, it's time for me to ask as I believe I am at the last rung. It pains to see that I cannot get my tanks from having all these pest problems. First I have invasion of the vermetid snail that was so bad. Then the flatworms came along with the newbie branch and lots more. It was so bad...