
  1. H

    Do blue sapphire damsels eat bristleworms?

    i have heard that blue sapphire damselfish (the peaceful ones) eat flatworms, and i was wondering if they (or any closely related species) have been known to eat bristle worms? obviously im not expecting this random 6 dollar fish to have the appetite of a melenarus wrasse, but i do just want to...
  2. th365thli

    New Regal Angels, observations on the two variants.

    I had a unique turn of events that essentially landed me two Regal Angels. Long story short is, the vendor delivered the wrong kind to me, an Indo grey belly versus a Red Sea or IO yellow belly. To the vendor's credit, he shipped me a yellow belly for free including cost of shipping (shoutout to...
  3. AnnaG

    Wondering where to start with feeding clown pair

    Hi, Im purchasing a pair of clownfish next week and would like to prepare vis-a-vis food. Haven't had some fish for about 6 months and last pair succumbed to ich. I was feeding mainly pellets and some frozen shrimp but clearly that couldn't support them. If anyone has some recommendations or...
  4. WheatToast

    Ridiculous fish foods

    What ridiculous foods have you fed or have been told to feed your marine fish/invertebrates (post below)? I remember that the book below recommended feeding Hamburger meat:
  5. D. Torres

    Tang diets

    I know I'm probably going to get some hate for this but... I don't feed my tangs seaweed. I was told that spirulina brine shrimp would be a good alternative to feeding seaweed and I've been adding that to their diet on a daily basis for the past 3 years and my sailfin, scopas, and yellow tangs...
  6. Perpetual Novice

    What do tamarin wrasses eat? How do I train them onto prepared foods?

    All I can find online is that anampses tamarin wrasses eat crustaceans off of rocks. What kind of crustaceans? Wikipedia has nothing on this genus. I want to train mine to accept frozen food but I don’t even know where to start since I don’t know the diet it would naturally eat. Has anyone had...
  7. Santiimari

    Super finicky Clown - What to feed?

    Hey guys, I have two clowns, and the smaller one is a super finicky eater. He does not get excited about food, he will either swim up to food and then let it hit the ground or instantly spit it out. He is SO much skinnier than the bigger clown, and I am worried he's going to be dead soon. I am...
  8. Perpetual Novice

    What are some food supplements for coralivores?

    About 6 months ago I bought a pair of orange spotted filefish. I know they’re supposed to eat exclusively live coral but can sometimes be trained to accept prepared foods. I couldn’t supply my filefish with live coral but the whole reason I bought them was because they were eating frozen food in...
  9. Perpetual Novice

    Will I run out of copepods? Should I add another wrasse?

    I have a 100 gallon reef tank with lots of live rock and 2 leopard wrasses. The wrasses have been fat and happy for about 6 months now. They hunt all day but I think they get most of their food gorging themselves on frozen food. I want to add another wrasse to the tank. I am thinking of adding...
  10. sotsreef

    Food for Fathead Dendro?

    what do y’all use to feed Fathead Dendro or do you know what works? I have nano reef roids and regular fish pellets. And will be picking up a single Dendro frag next week, what do you recommend. Thanks,John
  11. alexytman

    Ribbon eel nutrition help (update 2)

    After last time, being bombarded with replies about how I shouldn't feed a Molly diet to eel...I knew, I was just being understanding of the difficulty of getting one to eat ANYTHING in captivity. That is why mollies is a live option, it ended up being coral food after the eel pestered it to...
  12. Mike N

    Super Picky Valentini

    I am struggling trying to provide a varied diet for my valentini puffer. He doesn't touch flake or pellets. He eats 2-3 mysis/krill TOPS and after that will only accept brine. I purchased selcon and garlic xtreme to soak the food and it has no impact on the amount of mysis/krill he will eat. I...
  13. Mike N

    Valentini diet/environment questions

    I recently acquired a valentini from petco. He had what I think is ich, but he's recovering very quickly. I'm currently feeding him frozen mysis and enriched brine and i'll be getting some krill as well today. He doesn't touch flake or pellets. I would like to give him the best diet possible...
  14. kyleflahardy

    Mandarin Goby fish diet

    I ordered a mandarin goby fish that will be in this Friday. I was doing some reading and I have discovered that they have a quite complicated diet. Apparently they're very pickey fish and will only eat certain things on certain diets. Please let me know what and how you feed your mandarin gobys...
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