
  1. JosephNg

    Bacterial infections

    Hey everyone, I just lost an orange shoulder tang during its QT due to multiple bacterial infections. At first, its mouth was injured for a few days, then ich started to kick in but I sorted it out with copper. The fish was still active and eating during the time but in the last 48hrs, it showed...
  2. F

    How many of you all have had an anemone that didn't make it?

    Hello All, I have gotten my 1st nem and its not going to well. I should have waited until the tank fully cycled before I added one but I was impatient and the lfs said I should be fine. I just wanted to ask how many of you all had their 1st nem die on you? and let me know your story in the comments.
  3. LxHowler

    Will my clownfish be okay alone

    I had a pair of bonded de vinci clownfish. Sadly my male has passed away and now the female is the only fish in the tank. I do not really plan on buying another fish for the tank but wanted to know if she will be okay on her own in the tank. Its a 30 gallon cube and the clown is the only fish in...
  4. gaving

    Clownfish dead

    I have had clowns in my tank for about 8 days now. I got two clowns they were doing find for the first two days in the tank. Then on the third day we notices he had been swimming in to my torch coral. Then the next day he was swimming side ways. He continued to swim like that until today when...
  5. A

    Red tuxedo urchin

    My red tuxedo urchin died today and I was hoping to get some ideas as to why. I have had him for two weeks and he was doing good traveling the tank no spine loss. This evening I found his remains. He hadn't shown any signs of sickness no spine loss and was moving around last night. I've not been...
  6. RobberyinCSharp1824

    Lost my DaVinci clown...Why?

    My DaVinci Clownish just died unexpectedly after having him for about 4 months now in an established 120g tank. He was the sole resident of that tank (aside from turbo snails) while my sailfin tang and anthias are in QT (didn't want to create a bioburden surge in my DT). I had posted a few weeks...
  7. MontanaReefer406

    Black Ich???

    Hi, I recently added a couple chromis to my nano tank and they sadly passed away very quickly. I cant imagine it was due to water quality or acclimation. Took a picture of one of the chromis and seemed to have black spots on the face. No idea where this disease could have come from. My clownfish...
  8. alexjoha

    Shrimp die off

    Shrimp die off I have had 2 cleaner shrimps for about 1 yare now, healthy and fine. I have also added 5 peppermint shrimps for about 2 weeks ago. Both cleaner shrimps have died the last weeks. And I have lost 2 peppermints as well. the system is 210gallons in total. Tank tread for more info...
  9. LEOreefer

    A helpful reminder for all my friends

    hey all! Just wanted to post a helpful reminder to check your salinity and calibrate your refractometer! I had during lps corals and bleached sps for the the last week. I tested all parameters Calcium:400 Alk: 9.2 Mag: 1245 Nitrate:5 Phosphate: .12 I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why...
  10. Cody Grkman

    Coral Beauty died in QT

    Hi everyone. Yesterday I lost my Coral Beauty in the quarantine tank. The 20G tank had nothing in it other than PVC, an airstone, and a HOB filter.He had developed ich a few weeks ago and so I moved him into quarantine to treat him with copper. The tank had been fully cycled. He was acting...
  11. Aaron Davis

    Shrimp and Crab randomly died?!

    So I got a new coral frag and a mandarin dragonet. I added them to the tank and I had coral dipped my frag. Shortly after the frag looked white and my shrimp and crab have both died. All within about 3 hours of the new fish and frag being added. Did I poison my tank with the coral dip? I did the...