diatoms vs cyano

  1. Nick_Turbo

    Need help positively identifying this growth

    So, no matter what I do, I keep having this reddish/brown coating come back again and again. The system itself has been up and running for 16 months, and I transferred it from a 60-gallon tank to a WaterBox Marine X 110.4 in August of this year. I've tried vacuuming the film off of the sand...
  2. jcabral125

    New and need tank advice

    Hello everyone so clearly by the title I’m new to the hobby and need some help. A little backstory first I took over this tank from my former roommate that moved and didn’t take the tank with him. Before I took over the tank it had been broken down to be moved and set back up 2 times but the...
  3. jcabral125

    Novice needs tank advice

    Hello everyone so clearly by the title I’m new to the hobby and need some help. A little backstory first I took over this tank from my former roommate that moved and didn’t take the tank with him. Before I took over the tank it had been broken down to be moved and set back up 2 times but the...
  4. Rodrigo Segnini

    Some help need it to correctly ID ! Dino or Diatoms or else?

    To start, my small 10 gallons Nano have been running for at least 1year, used to be a quarantine tank that evolved to just another tank! This tank have been running with live rock, and HOB filter for the first 6 months! Nothing fancy as mention before, was just a quarantine tank running filter...
  5. ngservet5

    Algae Identification?

    Hi All, This algae has been appearing everyday for the past several weeks on the sand bed and I noticed it on the glass as well. It only occurs where the light is striking the surface. Note it disappears at night. It is a little stringy but comes right off. Is this Diatoms? The tank is new with...
  6. vivekshankarpmk

    Are they Diatoms

    Hi All, Its been 40 days since starting my cucling. Used traditional Shrimp method for ammonia source and used Aquaforest BIO S for bacteria colonizing , As on continous monitoring there are brown algae formed on the rocks and the glass . I am confused is this diatoms that come when the nitrate...
  7. Maobea

    Brownish/Reddish Stuff

    Hi All, I've got this reddish/brownish thing that keeps growing in my sand. I stir the sand almost daily, but the next day it's back on my sand bed. It almost looks like diatoms, but I'm not sure that's what it is. My tank is a little over a year old. At this point I'm thinking either dino or...
  8. Swav8tor

    Help with ID and treatment!

    Have been quickly growing this algae, at first I thought Dino’s but know I’m not sure, one thought is Lyngbya Cyano. The tank is 2 months old. Tank is IM 20 Upgraded IM pump (500gph) Aqamai KPS (running 50%) 2 Prime HD Ghost skimmer Refugium in 2nd chamber Chaeto +pods 2 intank baskets running...
  9. Idoc

    DI Resin & Algae ID question

    I just can't get this algae or cyano bloom to completely go away. I thought it was cyano, but it doesn't create "sheets" like typical cyano pictures. I let it go for a week without blowing it off rocks and the back wall and then cleaned the tank thoroughly. Ive been doing 20% water...