
  1. T

    New Tank Water Is Brown! But No Signs Of An Algae Bloom. What Should I Do?

    Hey everyone, I’m pretty new to reefing and i’m eager to learn more. I just got this 30 gallon aquarium a little under a month ago, started the cycle with Dr. Tims one and only with ammonia and followed the instructions. It started really good, until now, or so I think. I seem to have some sort...
  2. notofthisreef

    Diatoms or Dinos?

    Hi All, I'm new to the forum and somewhat new to reef keeping as I've got back into the hobby a few months ago. I have a JBJ RL 20 cube that has been up and running since April 11th. I started noticing what I think is diatom algae on the substrate and have been doing weekly water changes...
  3. S


    Are these are diatoms or dinos ? it is a new tank however I used some rock from my old tank and most is dry rock. here’s the photos , I also used the towel method. I have a microscope coming tomorrow.
  4. Stu_Tanks


    A little over a week ago I fixed what I thought was a Dino problem. I did a 3 day black out and went through the Dr. Tim’s treatment. Today I come back from a long weekend and my rocks have the same brown stuff growing on them and a little on the sand bed. I don’t think they are Dino’s because...
  5. Niels Verstappen

    Are these diatoms, can’t figure it out

    Hi all I’ve been fighting this stuff for a while now and can’t figure out what it is it’s wavy and comes off pretty easy