diatom vs dino

  1. K

    In your experience, for what type of Dinos does Sillicate dosing work?

    I am planing on using a microscope in an attempt to identify the type of dinos that I have. In your experience, for what type of Dinos does Sillicate dosing work?
  2. eartheater

    Diatoms or dinos?

    Hi all. I’m totally new to saltwater and I have a new setup that went through some sort of bloom, seemingly overnight. I thought it was for sure diatoms but now I’m afraid it could be dinos/cyano. Tank is 2 weeks old. I did a fish in cycle, started with Dr. Tim’s nitrifying bacteria. I’ve been...
  3. Nick_Turbo

    Need help positively identifying this growth

    So, no matter what I do, I keep having this reddish/brown coating come back again and again. The system itself has been up and running for 16 months, and I transferred it from a 60-gallon tank to a WaterBox Marine X 110.4 in August of this year. I've tried vacuuming the film off of the sand...
  4. C

    EMERGENCY Crazy Algae Issues! Please help!!

    Hi all, hopefully you can help me!! I have a 24 gallon AIO waterbox peninsula, roughly 8 months old. I have been battling algae for the last 4-5 months. I believe its a combination of diatom, dinos and maybe cyano? the algae doesn’t completely disappear at night, but does reduce slightly. If...
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