
  1. R

    tiger prawngoby is this ich?

    I think it probably is, I’m just wondering what I should do if I don’t have a quarantine tank for it.
  2. rporter996

    New Clownfish help

    New to reefing fish help Hello, I'm not sure if you can possibly help but I recently got a tank all setup. I got it cycled with the Tim's fishless method which took me around 20 days. I finally was able to get fish this past Saturday I got 2 snowflake clowns and they've been great until...
  3. E

    EMERGENCY Is this Ich?

    I came back from work today with a new flame fin tomini tang and before I put him in, I noticed that my domino damsel, purple tang, and fu man chi lion all had white spots. I’m not sure if it’s ich but if it is. I’d like to treat it as soon as possible.
  4. J

    China wrasse questions

    Yesterday I bought a China pearl wrasse from my lfs. I brought it home in the evening and it was picking off of every rock and went into the sand at around 430 am. It came out around 1230 pm today and has been acting strange but picking off of my power head and also ate some mystis shrimp. It is...
  5. Pelagikos

    Somebody please what the heck is this?

    Been fighting low phosphates and high nitrates finally got my nitrates from around 100 parts per million to around 25. Keeping my phosphates up by dosing neophos everyday. These things used to disappear when the nitrates were out of control during the night but then would return during the day...
  6. B

    Possible leak

    Here's a long one. Please any info helps I'll attach pictures of my setup So I might have a leak. Last night about 4 cups of water went missing in about 4 hours. Before this happened, my last recorded salinity was 1.025. And My tank has glass lids that cover the entire top AND a canopy so...
  7. I

    One of my clownfish is acting weird.

    One of my clownfish (wild caught) (that i bought 4 weeks ago) is acting weird. It is not coming up to the surface for feeding time and is swimming mostly at the bottom. I don’t know if he is exploring or something. He is just staying around the microalgae. Also this may be unrelated but both my...
  8. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Valentini puffer Dying???

    I just got this puffer in the mail today, the bag had hardly any air in it so I tried to work fast. I floated him for about 10 min and drip acclimated him for I’d say 45min doubling the water volume twice. I did not net him or remove him from the water he did not puff up at all. He was swimming...
  9. Gonj

    What’s on my Blenny??

    Had this Blenny for about a week now and I check on him daily, today I noticed this large ball on its fin. Any ideas what this could be, should I isolate it is it contagious, treatment ideas? Anything helps photos below thank you!
  10. K

    Three spot blenny sudden death. Help me diagnose him!

    Hi, my three spot blenny suddenly stopped eating today and hiding away in its little cave. It was breathing hard so I thought of ammonia rise. Did 20% PWC. Later on, it came out and swam like frenzy, almost hitting itself to the substrate. In that instant, I thought he was a gonner. I decided...
  11. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  12. T

    Need help with zoanthids

    Hi about 3 days ago these zoas stopped opening up all the way and looked odd maybe deformed. The tank is fairly new maybe a little over 4 months now, so these zoas we're still growing on the plug. I noticed that there was a couple white sponges growing on the back and the side of the plug as...
  13. IE Reefer

    Just saw my YWG this morning and saw this...

    I went over to my tank to take a look at whats going on and I saw my YWG outside of his cave and he had a fairly large white spot in front of his dorsal fin (shown in picture (sorry its bad Ill take another one later on today when the lights go to normal)). I really don't want to loose this guy...
  14. alimac122

    Possible Parasite??

    So I just got these mocha vinic clowns last week. They seemed to be doing well, and eating. On eats and spits out the pellets or just eats the tiny stray mysis legs that float around after the others demolish the mysis. So little to no nutritional value. However, today I actually REALLY watched...
  15. Pluteaz

    What could this be?

    Hello, A couple weeks ago I posted about my Tang looking for a diagnosis. It was concluded to be the start of a bacterial infection. I started dosing kanaplex which has definitely helped. I was advised to give a better diet, the infection is almost cleared. However this has kept up at first it...
  16. Pluteaz

    Diagnosis Please, What's This Patch on my Tang?

    I've had this guy in quarantine for about a week and noticed this developing a couple days ago. Any clue as to what it is and how to treat? He is eating fine, but every now and then he kinda flex curls to that side, so I think it's agitating him more.
  17. nolanp489

    Yellow Tang sick! No idea what he has!!

    I've lost an emperor Angel and a Singapore angel so far I'm treating my tank with metroplex and kanoplex and binding with focus in their food, as well as using the fishkeeper. I also have a blue Tang, foxface rabbit and a blue spotted puffer. The fox face and blue spotted puffer showing no...
  18. BluerSkiesAhead

    Sick Emporer Angel Juvenile — HELP

    Just got this little juvenile Emporer Angel last week. I got him with a baby Royal Blue Tang who was very sick. I got the tang to try to save him because he was very malnourished and had some kind of infection on his body. They both had parasites. The water in the bags from the LFS when we...