
  1. SD_Reefer_Madness

    dendrophyllia diet

    So I made a rookie mistake and picked up 3 heads of dendro without realizing they’re nps corals. I’ve read they will eat mysis and I’ve ordered some, but in the meantime, will they eat reef chili? I’ve got it on hand
  2. Brian Goldstein

    Fat Head Dendrophyllia -- Where can I buy?

    Hello Reefers! I've been looking to buy a frag of Fat Head Dendrophyllia for quite some time without any luck. Anyone know where I can find some? Thanks! -BG
  3. Jeremy K.A.

    NPS Coral diet

    Hey guys and girls of reef2reef, todays question involves the always daunting, but absolutely stunning.... Non-Photosynthetic Coral! Weather it's an LPS such as Tubastrea "Sun coral" and Dendrophyllia, Softies such as Dendronepthya, or Gorgonians, they all have to eat, and all have their own...
  4. R

    Dendrophyllia Care (aka Fat Head Dendro / Super Sun Coral)

    Hi guys, Am planning to get 2 heads of Dendros to start things off with non photosynthetic corals. Any tips to this? i have read extensively on this, some articles are saying do not feed to much (gut root issue), with once a week should suffice, while others claimed daily. I'm leaning towards...
  5. Costas

    Help with Dendrophyllia tank? :)

    Hello! About two months ago I started cycling a 5-gallon nano tank in my college bedroom. It's not my first saltwater tank but (been reef keeping for about 6 years now), but it is my first nano. Last week, I added my first Dendrophyllia - a single polyp of a "sunburst skittle" dendro. The plan...