Common name Carnation Coral from Vietnam. #[16720:#dendronephthya] lives with 70 Pacific oysters, 20 oysters in display tank hidden, the rest in the sump
We're at the point, we're looking for more Carnation corals and trees corals if your local Reef stores or online website gets any, please let us know. PM if possible. Thanks
Trying to break the myth that these corals are as challenging as they say. Very high tech system, built in filtration, self cleaning when needed, no pumps in DT, some live rock, as high tech as it gets. The bigger coral you can see polyps opened. Should not be open, these corals supposed to be...
Since 1983 to present,(off and on), I've tried to keep alive and happy the corals under species Scleronephthya and Dendronephthya . And other similar type corals(softies ).
Information in the past was limited. Until now. It maybe possible to keep and culture these bueatiful creatures. I don't...