
  1. P

    Hammer coral deflating and droopy

    Hello Recently my hammer corals that I have had for >6months have started to wilt and deflate. For a while I was just keeping an eye on them to see if they would recover, however, it seems to be spreading to some of my other hammers and one hammer has completely lost a head. Tank has been up...
  2. J

    Anemone troubles!!

    I’m really struggling with my bubble tip anemones (4x small, ~5cm specimens) and am running out of ideas! The tank has been running for around 15 months with bubble tip anemones first introduced 7 months ago. For the first 4 months, they were beautifully healthy, with excellent inflation, colour...
  3. raphgiroux

    Deflating candy cane

    Hello there, and thanks for hearing my all time first post on this forum! Exactly a month ago I had a thriving reef and a cute candy cane, a well established bird of paradise and blue stylo. But my parameters were a little off, phosphates being at 0.9 and nitrates at 0.00. I made some research...