
  1. P

    Hammer coral deflating and droopy

    Hello Recently my hammer corals that I have had for >6months have started to wilt and deflate. For a while I was just keeping an eye on them to see if they would recover, however, it seems to be spreading to some of my other hammers and one hammer has completely lost a head. Tank has been up...
  2. S

    Cynarina Coral Deflation

    Hello everyone, I got a Cynarina coral yesterday at my local fish store and has been good for the first night and first half of the day. But he has now randomly deflated and I’m not sure his mouth should be a bit open but it is. It is a 4 foot long tank. The zoomed up photo is it deflated and...
  3. E

    Unhappy Acanthophyllia

    I have three acanthophyllia in my Red Sea Peninsula 500 (132 gal). Two of them are very happy and healthy. The third one seems to be sick. It sometimes inflates but this is getting less and less frequent. Most of the time it is pretty shriveled up and sad looking. It still east reef roids but...
  4. J

    Anemone troubles!!

    I’m really struggling with my bubble tip anemones (4x small, ~5cm specimens) and am running out of ideas! The tank has been running for around 15 months with bubble tip anemones first introduced 7 months ago. For the first 4 months, they were beautifully healthy, with excellent inflation, colour...
  5. S

    Slouching/Deflated Torch, any ideas?

    Tank Params: Salinity: 1.0245 Temp: 77 Calc: 420 Alk: 7-7.3 Mag: 1320 PH: 7.8 Nitrates: 2.5 About 2 weeks ago i took out the torch to superglue that little side of it, in order to trap in some bubble algae and a vermetid snail. Since then, it's been super deflated and sad looking. Anything...
  6. S

    Is my torch ok?

    I recently got a torch coral. It is my first coral and I am trying to do everything right. I acclimated it yesterday through the drip method then used dip and checked all over for eggs and stuck on hitchhikers. I placed it in the tank and it was closed up. Over night it opened up and is still...
  7. Steeze

    Frag Tank help

    Started a 20g frag tank because my 1 1/2yo 14g Bio was starting to get crowded... I cycled the tank for 5-6 weeks and my parameters are as follows: Sal/Temp- 34/70*, Kh- 9.6, Cal.- 429, Mag- 1260, Ph- 8.4, Amm- .25, No3- 6, No3- 0, Po- .5 Light- Kessil a150 Ocean blue 8in from water lowered to...
  8. Andrew Schubert

    What does it mean when a BTA deflates itself.

    So I've hade my BTA for about 2 weeks and he's been doing great. I've been feeding him small pieces of silversides every other day. With that in mind from time to time, his 'bubbles' go away and he looks limp (just like a deflated balloon looks). He always revives back to his beautiful self...
  9. inkedtx

    New anemone problem

    hi guys, I was gifted a BTA yesterday for Christmas. I hadn't planned on adding one for at least a couple of months but had no choice. It looked good this morning, (left blue lights on last night) I turned white lights on to feed fish and about 8 minutes later it was very deflated. I turned...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens