
  1. P

    Lavender tang death - coral rubble found in stomach

    My lavender tang was doing fine, then all of the sudden I found it swimming strangely and was very lethargic. He didn't eat, was upside down and hyperventilating. He was then placed in an isolation container in the same system for observation and feeding. He didn't respond to any type of food...
  2. V

    EMERGENCY Is my clownfish sick? Why did my Gramma die??

    I woke up today and I saw my Royal Gramma dead and my clownfish looking like the Gramma did the night before. Please I need some help because I’m so confused, all my parameters are good and I make sure to test that every couple days. Any advise would be appreciated
  3. S

    Mysterious Fish Deaths

    Hello. I have a newly set up tank and started with a filefish. He was doing well for about a month and then we added two clownfish. The tank is 26 gallons. The filefish mysteriously disappeared. Mind you the ammonia and nitrite had been zero before we put the fish in. Two days later one of the...
  4. th365thli

    Blue star leopard wrasse found dead stuck in rocks

    Hi all, Unfortunately my 4 day old Blue star was found dead stuck head first in some rocks this morning. I had to use some long tweezers and some force to get it out. Wanted to get some opinions on what could have happened. All other fish in the tank are healthy and eating voraciously. The...
  5. Rham1281

    2 clowns died after just a few hours?

    Ive had a 10 gallon frag tank set up for a little over 2 months now. I've been obsessed with it and have kept up on water changes and tests. They're API tests which I know aren't the best. I have a few corals which are doing great, a turbo snail, and some hermit crabs. My tests were consistent...
  6. chemicals

    Mysterious snail deaths and behaviour

    Hi all, Currently dealing with such a frustrating phenomenon. Two months ago one of my trochus snails started flipping itself on purpose. Even if I put it right again, after 5 minutes it flipped itself upside down again. Apparently this has been reported but no real explanation/cause has been...
  7. R

    EMERGENCY Fish dying one after another !

    I have a Red Sea reefer and it has been set up for around 6 month . Everything has been going well , parameters stable and coral and refugium seem to be thriving. For 2 weeks now my fish have been dying all of a sudden one after another . So far I have lost 2 clowns , a sailfin tang, a drawf...
  8. JojoM

    Random fish deaths 2 in one day

    Hey there, today i cam home to find that 2 of my fish have died a Tomini Tang and a Six line Wrasse, but i have zero idea of how it happened they eat everyday and they was acting perfectly fine yesterday i keep on top of my water parameters and to give a short overview they are pH - 7.9 NH4 - 0...
  9. Danielsj

    Sudden Deaths

    Hey guys so i have just lost both of my clowns today. I have had them for about 2,5 months and they have been thriving eating and not showing any signs of sickness at any point until today. So this morning when i got up my smallest clown was laying on the sand breathing heavy, i fed the tank to...
  10. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    So, recently my tang died. Could any of these be a cause of death? Microscope Pics.

    Maybe a copepod? Harmless? A ciliate? Is it harmful? Guessing these are a type of dinoflagellate. Harmful? No idea what this is... And this is my tangs Flesh...after he died. Thinking he may have died from flesh eating worms or flukes.
  11. Aterlycan

    Could you help me ID why my starry blenny died

    Hey guys 3 weeks ago i added a starry blenny it was doing fine eating on algea all over, two weeks ago when i added some clown fish and fox face it started being less active. It was purching on top of the rocks in front of the Power head that had me wondering About some paracite. But i read that...
  12. T

    Help! Does anyone know anything about Dart Frogs?

    I need help. Does anyone know anything about Dart Frogs? PM me.
  13. I

    Glow Betta Random Death

    Hello everyone, this morning my pet Glow Betta passed away and im not exactly sure why. He was a very healthy fish, and from what I could tell he was happy. Always excited by food, always did well after water changes. I took very good care of him. Its a 1.5 gallon tank but he had a filter and a...
  14. Sakosreef

    EMERGENCY Healthy wrasse dead in 24 hours

    Hi guys, I had a katherines wrasse that was fine yesterday and today it’s dead. It had a bloated stomach, white stringy poop, was lethargic and was discolored at time of death. I’m currently holding 5 fish in a 75 gal qt tank as my tank is fallowing, I’ve had this fish for almost a year and...
  15. MnFish1

    Dinoflagellates - Cause of problems - or because of problems?

    I have read recently - that dinoflagellates 'kill corals and fish' - I noticed (after months with none) - and after a failed alkalinity doser that some parts of a couple corals died off - On those dead places - some dinoflagellates have started growing. They are not on any other rock, etc -...
  16. F

    Why Does the Color of fish change when it dies? What are some of the scientific reasons?

    Hi there, I am a researcher, and I need to know why do the color of fish change when they die? What are some of the scientific reasons? Thanks.
  17. TheStripedHermit

    EMERGENCY Extremely lethal and mysterious disease killing fish

    It all started when I added a midas a few months ago and ever since then any new fish I add to the tank will always die after a week or two however it does not affect inverts. The symptoms displayed are a reduction in appetite but still eating and gently pacing the glass. At the end the fish...
  18. Chowder3

    Next steps with tank after all fish die?

    Hi everyone! So on Monday night all my fish died except my electric blue hermit crab. So sad. My tank was established on May 10th of this year. I was doing the BRS 5 minute video set up. So far so good ~no issues until now. In my tank we’re 2 pairs of clown fish and the blue hermit crab. Monday...
  19. Spydersweb

    Have you ever done something foolish that caused a preventable death?

    So, I did something foolish and my poor puffer had to pay for it. I was performing a tank transfer(no discussion about TTM, please) with my Valentini puffer and a few other fish. I bought a second Penguin 200 as a filter, but it was missing a piece on the intake, so I couldn't attach the...
  20. MontanaReefer406

    Black Ich???

    Hi, I recently added a couple chromis to my nano tank and they sadly passed away very quickly. I cant imagine it was due to water quality or acclimation. Took a picture of one of the chromis and seemed to have black spots on the face. No idea where this disease could have come from. My clownfish...
  21. MnFish1

    Coral growing back from the dead.....

    I know know - My polls are long and everyone hates them - but... Theres more - here is another short one - Have you ever had a coral RTN, STN, etc etc etc - other cause of death - which has come back after the fact. I have had a couple of late after a tank mess come back 3-4 years later - so...
  22. Sakosreef

    What is ich?

    Hi everyone, I hope everybody is doing good. I have some questions about marine ich, I want to separate fact from fiction so if you can help me out I’d very much appreciate it. 1. Can a fish have ich and not show any signs of it? 2. I’ve been told a fish can carry ich and not show signs of it...
  23. smartwater101

    API AMMO LOCK wiped out my acros...

    This is mostly a vent about my stupidity. momentary lack of awesome. So I tend to run my pH on the high side (8.5 - 8.6) and everything was looking great. At some point it started to creep close to 8.75 (Tested with Apex, Profilux, and pinpoint. New probes and calibration to confirm) Suddenly...
  24. B

    Everything dying in an established tank

    I have a 9 month old tank. Last week I turned off my return pump overnight due to a plumbing problem. I have a refugium with lots of macro growing in it. When I turned off the power for the return pump, it also turned off the light in the fuge. I fixed the plumbing the next day but noticed the...
  25. H

    Clownfish starving to death

    Help! I have two clownfish i bought a month ago. The larger female always takes the pellets i drop in while the smaller male gets nothing. I thought i would seperate then to feed them but then my make clownfish is so deprived if food he doesnt come out of his hidey hole(which is a small gap...