dead coral

  1. H

    Xenia might be dead??? Help

    Hey guys so i bought a Xenia from my LFS Today. And i dipped it in Dip X by red sea. I did the 10ml per liter of tank water i floated the bags in the clean biwl of tank water then mixed the dip x. Using my coral tweezers i pulled them out and set them in the bowl. I used a turky baster to gently...
  2. S

    EMERGENCY Is my acan dead?

    So I started reefing a month ago, and I ve bought recently a acans and it seems dead by now… Idk how but it lost a lot of fleash and colour Please help.
  3. Saskdevil

    Did this starfish kill my Brain coral during shipping?

    I live in Northern Canada and the nearest Saltwater store is about 7 hours away, so everything we have gets shipped. We cross our fingers and pray things survive shipping. That being said mostly everything usually does survive. Almost all shipments take 3 days to get here with FedEx priority...
  4. Ancarol2421

    Restarting a Crashed Tank

    Hi friends, Long story short, my tank crashed on Friday (3 days ago) - unknown cause, suspect heat swing or water chemistry issue. I noticed something was amiss because a few corals were dead along with all my inverts. I was able to evacuate the survivors into a small sump I had laying around...
  5. O

    Is it dead or still alive?

    Help! Is it dead or alive ? I'm new to this hobby. I believe this is a zoa frag...I got it last Wednesday but it hasn't opened up looks dead to me.
  6. Vivid Creative Aquatics

    Where is the strangest place coral has grown in your tank?

    Earlier this year, I lost a super cool Pocillopora colony that had spontaneously grown on and entirely over a Random Flow Generator® Nozzle. Sadly, due to a return pump failure, It was exposed to the air for just a little too long and the top half didn’t make it. So I pulled the entire RFG...
  7. Cpatel36

    EMERGENCY Corals are turning white

    How do i prevent this from happening to the other corals in this 75 g tank? I posted a pic of parameters and some of the corals. I had high phosphates but now it has been maintained. A green chromis, anemone, and a turbo snail had skunked and died in this about a month and a half ago and i had...
  8. tailoftwogobies

    weird pest finding..

    hi y’all, quick question.. in the attached video there’s a coral that’s clearly not happy and on its way out, but there’s a weird ‘wing’ looking thing coming out of it, literally reminds us of ‘fly wings’.. could this be a type of pest and if so, are our other corals at risk? any ideas and...
  9. Danny's Aquariums

    HELP! What happened with my Holy Grail?

    Hi all, I need your help. I recently bought this torch from a store (picture 1) before they shipped it I asked for another picture of the torch. Then they sent a torch that’s almost closed up (picture 2). Not a big deal I thought since they might’ve moved it. Then when it got here I noticed...
  10. mauisue

    Dead coral by moving it?

    Hello I moved a coral per the recommendation of my fish store down lower in my tank it opened up more at first then retracted for a few days. I moved it back to where it was and now it still fully retracted and it’s looks like it’s disintegrating at the base and fusing to the rock, this is just...
  11. Martin.P.Smith

    Reef dead

    I had a red planaria breakout and treated it with flatworm exit. Treatment was good as only did half recommended measure but severely under estimated the amount of worms in tank. Toxin from dead worms has wiped everything out, only bits of coral flesh sticking out from rocks. Have totally...
  12. Cunning_plan

    At what rate can I safely lower salinity.

    In Short: I have salinity at 45+ ppt. How can quickly can I take it down to 35? Should I be water changing with RODI water or low salinity water. In Long: I have been running a reef tank for around 5 months now. It's a reefer 250 (55g). Over time I have gradually tried to add corals. With a few...
  13. imarino326

    Dead Zoas?

    backstory- my tank had too much flow, so I decided to rescape the rock-work. My tank is fairly new, and I just added Zoas. Reason why I rescaped is cause they haven’t opened in over 24 hours. I took the rock they were on out and now they look like the image below. Are they dead or just stressed...
  14. BabyShark

    Are these coral dead?

    I got these coral from my lfs as they were recommended from the employee to be beginner corals. They don’t appear to be doing so well. My salinity was at 1.030 before, but I since changed it to 1.026 after testing. All softies are flourishing though. Do any of these have a chance?