Ive had a 10 gallon frag tank set up for a little over 2 months now. I've been obsessed with it and have kept up on water changes and tests. They're API tests which I know aren't the best. I have a few corals which are doing great, a turbo snail, and some hermit crabs. My tests were consistent...
So I am currently deployed, so all the info I have is from my girlfriend who is maintaining things back home.
Before I left I set up a c-vue 45 AIO (I posted a build thread) end of May-beginning of April. Did a bit of a hybrid cycle, started with 1-2 weeks with nothing but dry rock, and...
Hi I’d like some help my clownfish has literally just died they have been fine for the past 3 months and was fine last night, I was messing with the sand and re arranging the rock work to suit the needs of my new mushroom corals not getting blasted with flow, they were both perfectly healthy...
I have 16g biocube. Last week (Thursday) I did about a 15% water change. It was the first water change since adding livestock. I have (had) one oscellaris clown, one trochus snail, and a zoa frag. As I was performing my water change, all was well. About an hour after I finished, my clown went...