
  1. K

    Glass Damage Red Sea Reefer 170 - Thoughts ?

    Hello ... well, I knocked the top portion of my Red Sea Reefer 170 and voila ... I took a chunk out of the glass. Lord give me strength .... At any rate, thoughts as to the remaining structural integrity of the tank would be greatly appreciated. As well, any ideas on how to approach a fix both...
  2. S

    Not sure what happened to royal gramma. Eye injury of some sort.

    I’m not sure what happened. I noticed today that my Midas blenny was gone. I eventually found my Midas blenny had passed and was already pretty much all gone. I had kind of seen this coming as he kept getting skinnier and skinnier even though I was feeding him daily and everyone else was happy...
  3. X

    Lepto, Favia, and Cyphastrea Decline - Help Please!

    Hi, we’ve started noticing tissue recession in our 24k lepto and our cyphastrea which were previously doing really well, we also have a favia suddenly missing a chunk. In addition, a lot of our euphilia are not extending like they used to. Anyone seen this before or know what might be the...
  4. S

    AIO Build Help!!! Please damaged tank

    Hello everyone, OK, so, I kinda rushed into buying a 450 red sea reefer as it was alot bigger than mine and was close to home. The family I got it off seemed really genuine and felt right when I brought it. Once I got it home and had more chance to inspect it further I notice a couple of...
  5. Dolphis

    Is Reef Energy killing my sponge?

    Hey guys, I picked up two sponges 2 weeks ago - A red finger and a yellow ball. Both have been doing well and both were completely submerged when added to the DT. 2 days ago, in the morning, I noticed some “white” fuzzies on the red finger and today in the evening, it seems to have...
  6. Bento

    Damaged Scoly Recovery Advice

    Hey, I've just got a Scoly that has some damage/recession that has exposed some of the skeleton. I'm just after any advice in what I can do to give it the best chance of survival. I will be getting some dip in the day or so. It will be getting place in a position with low/med flow and light and...