cycling help

  1. P

    Cycling tank questions

    Im cycling my tank using fritz turbostart 900 (beneficial bacteria) and fritz fishless fuel (ammonia), my question is, should I turn on my filter or powerhead during the cycle? My tank is still a little bit cloudy from the sand, so I would like to use my filter and powerhead to fix the issue...
  2. C

    Fritz Turbostart 900 cycling questions

    I'm cycling my tank right now with fritz turbostart (I already used fritz fishless fuel as an ammonia source) and I was wondering if I should turn on my powerhead, skimmer, or filter? They are all turned off right now
  3. Bobby1993

    Cycling my fluval evo 13.5

    Hi everyone, wondering if I can get some information on some questions I have, please. Tonight I set up my Fluval Evo and it's currently cycling. No skimmer but stock filtration media. (no upgrades). I have ocean direct live sand and Caribsea liferock. I do not want to go the route of adding a...
  4. X

    Cycle: Is This Normal?

    Hey Guys, I am new to reef keeping but have been keeping freshwater for over 10 years. 8-11th of November started my tank with DR tims - temp: 29 degrees Celcius - slightly lowered salinity 1.020 On the 18th November is when is started to see Nitrites. (7 days) Today is the 28th November and...
  5. T

    Saltwater tank cycling help

    Hello, I started my 10 gallon tank about 3 weeks ago and my parameters are as follows according to my API marine saltwater test kit: Ammonia : . 50ppm Nitrite: 0( last week it was at .50ppm) Nitrate : .10 to .20 ppm(I can't really tell the color) Mostly I am curious what you guys about where I...
  6. S

    Cycling tank with "Red Sea Pro Reef Mature Kit"

    Hello. I am currently in the process of cycling my Red Sea Max Nano reef tank. I've added 20lbs of Carib-sea special grade live sand and about 15-20lbs of Carib-sea Life rock shapes (spored with bacteria). I've also added a mesh bag worth of Fluval bio tubes (for surface area for bacteria)...