cycling dr tims

  1. T

    Dr Tims Cycle

    Hi All! I’m currently on day 9 of cycling my new tank with Dr Tims one and only and Dr Tims ammonia. At first my ammonia was reading 8ppm but as of yesterday is now reading 2ppm. I have done a water change on Sunday and added a bottle of api quick start to make sure I haven’t killed all the new...
  2. OneMerissa

    Cycle parameter question

    Hey all. I have a biocube 32. Currently on day 15 of the Dr. Tim fishless cycle. My current readings are: PH 7.8 (and dropping) ammonia .25 (and dropping ) Nitrite at LEAST 5.0. That’s the highest the test kit will read and Nitrate also as high as the test will read at 160. should I do a water...
  3. maryocean7

    New to Cycling Caribsea Live Rock and Live Sand help

    Hello everyone. Off the bat I am new to the hobby but have been doing research on different sites to learn before getting into the hobby. Now it's been 2 weeks now since we set up our waterbox 65.4 tank. We tried the fishless cycle using Dr Tims. In our tank we used caribsea live sand special...