
  1. F

    Looking for help/advise on cycling my tank. Did I ruin it or just need more patience.

    I have a 15g tank that I've been cycling and relized that I put in too much ammonia to start the cycling process (I was stupid and forgot to account for the displacement from the rocks). It's been cycling for about 1.5 months and went to my LFS Thursday to test my water and it was 0 ammonia and...
  2. JcK03

    Cycling issue! Need help.. or not ?! :)

    Hello everyone ! I'm not sure if I really need help or if I'm worrying too much for nothing! I am currently in the process of cycling my Waterbox AIO 20 gallon aquarium. I put in the water on January 19, with Caribsea Ocean Direct living sand, and around ten pounds of Caribsea Liferock. On...
  3. W

    Tank not cycling + strange bacteria bloom?

    Hello. I'm brand new to the hobby and after lots of reading and youtube, I finally bought a reef tank. I have a brand new Aqua One Mini Reef 120 and I am 3 weeks into a fishless cycle, using Dr Tim's One and Only + Dr Tim's ammonia chloride. I am not sure if I am being impatient, but after 3...
  4. TheStripedHermit

    Tank still not cycling after one month

    This is the 2nd time this has happened to me and it just doesn't make any sense. The tank was started with dry rock and old sand from an aquarium I tore down last year. Parameters: Temperature - 22.5-23°c Ph - 7.8 Ammonia - 0.5ppm Salinity - 1.025ppm No change in ammonia at all despite adding...
  5. B

    Tank Cycle ammonia levels stuck at 0.25

    Hey all, Im running a 40g breeder with an active 75g skimmer, 1 HOB filter, 1 internal shark filter, 25lbs dry rock, 15lbs live rock, and 40lbs of live sand. I am using rodi water, ph is 8.1, salinity is 1.025. I started the cycle off using Dr. Tim's fishless cycle, accidentally dosing ammonia...
  6. CMarieDennison

    Build Thread First big tank, 125-gallon

    I originally started with a 125-gallon, 4-foot tank at the beginning of the year. My husband started filling it with the RO/DI system attached to my sink directly into the tank while I was at work. It was forgotten about and flooded...the stand was pretty warped so I didn't trust it to hold the...
  7. DownUnderAqua

    Cycle Performance - No changes

    Hi All, Vitals Below: Ph - 8.0 Ammonia - 0.1 Nitrite - 0.0 Nitrate - 2 KH - 7.0 Phosphate - 0 Calcium - 324 Mag - 1318 Since having the tests run (day 7) through a LFS machine and then testing with RedSea Reef Test Kit at home I haven’t had any movement in Ammonia, or the others… So...