cycled rock

  1. J

    Tank Transfer, Insta Cycle and Nutrients

    I haven't really seen the topic of nutrition levels in the new tank discussed before. My situation is I am transferring my 5 month old Fluval Flex 9 gallon with one fish, clean up crew and corals to a Red Sea Reefer 170 that's been running for a week to let the sump stabilize and to get familiar...
  2. R

    White growth on live rocks

    Hi all, new to the hobby. Ove got a 30Gallpn tank with approx 17kgs of live rock and live carab sand. I'm running a protein skimmer, fluval 207 cannister and salinity is at 1.024 at 28 degrees. But I've just noticed this smooth looking white growth on some rocks.
  3. lazycouch

    100% water change= re-cycle tank?

    hello everyone. just did a 100% water change + cleaned the sand quite deeply after neglecting this tank for a bit. it’s 7 months old and the rock i purchased was live from a hobbyist, safe to say it was seeded for 1yr+ for sure. i plan on adding a lionfish in here but was wondering how long it’d...
  4. Erick Armanii

    Connecticut New York $20 bucks for 40lbs of live rock!

    I have about 40lbs of live rock. (I didn’t weigh it but it’s definitely about 40lbs maybe more!) The rock is from a tank tear down that’s been cycling in a brute container with a powerhead and heater in my garage for almost 5 months. I ghost feed a small amount of pellets every other day. Some...
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