
  1. R

    orange patches on sand… should i worry?

    Hello all, I have a 10g fairly new tank. Worry not everything is cycled of course but I started noticing orange patches here and there on my sand. All levels are within normal ranges so I have no idea what this might be, but then again I still consider myself a beginner and I don’t know much...
  2. B

    Tank Cycle ammonia levels stuck at 0.25

    Hey all, Im running a 40g breeder with an active 75g skimmer, 1 HOB filter, 1 internal shark filter, 25lbs dry rock, 15lbs live rock, and 40lbs of live sand. I am using rodi water, ph is 8.1, salinity is 1.025. I started the cycle off using Dr. Tim's fishless cycle, accidentally dosing ammonia...
  3. S

    First Saltwater Tank: Nitrites came back after adding cleaning crew

    Hi Everyone! First time poster here. I purchased a WaterBox 20 gallon cube about 5-6 weeks ago and have been loving it. This is my first saltwater tank after keeping freshwater tanks for over 10 years. I am loving the process. I have a situation that I would like some advice on. I just finished...
  4. G


    I was wondering if I need to aclimate a fish only tank with damsels with my last 20 gallon i acclimated it and didn’t add damsels to cycle it but now I’m getting a 55 gallon do I need to cycle it with damsels also I’m getting a 15 and I’m putting only a frog and a couple hermits and they are...