cycle help

  1. S


    Hello! New to the aquarium game . I have a few cycling questions maybe someone can help me. I’ve been cycling my Orbit (jellyfish tank) tank for about a month. I did the shrimp method, and my ammonia spiked to 4ppm. Everything seem on track. However, testing a few times I noticed my Nitrite...
  2. EyeofAwe

    Cycle Tank equipment Question

    Hello, I have a 65g w/ 15g sump. It is a brand new build I received all my equipment except my circulation pumps. My question is can I start to cycle my tank with just the return pump?
  3. R

    Will I Ruin my Cycle? (Noob Question)

    I’m building my first tank and I have everything set up and ready to go. I plan on cycling the tank with live Carib Sea Agra Alive, Dry Rock, Fritz Turbo Start, and 2 Clown fish. Will it be okay to have the Agra Alive sand and Saltwater running in the tank for a couple days before I add the...
  4. C

    Can you mix different nitrifying bacteria?

    Hi, I first started dosing my saltwater tank with fritz turbostart 900, but I ran out and my LFS also ran out and only had Dr Tim's. Is it ok to combine different brands of nitrifying bacteria or will it cause problems or crash the cycle?
  5. R

    Cycling tank 4 1/2 weeks in

    Hi I'm wondering if everything looks ok with my cycle. Ammonia is .5,nitrite .25, nitrate between 5-10. My ammonia never spiked but I'm seeing nitrites and nitrates is this a normal process?
  6. Y

    Start Cycling

    I have a RedSea Reefer 350 v3, I have literally nothing other than the tank, stand, sump and a RODI system that needs new filters, which all need to be cleaned. I'm not trying to get fish or coral in ASAP but definitely want to get it cycling, like with just live rock or something that will...
  7. R

    Ammonia not spiking during cycle

    I am new to this stuff. I have a 32 gallon bio cube that I am in the process of cycling. It has been 3 and half weeks and my ammonia has just been at .5 the whole time . Im using damsels to cycle and I also put in bacteria for the cycle. Ph is between 7.8 and 8, nitrites are 0, nitrates are 0. I...
  8. TheWackyWiz

    Invert in Cycle?

    Hi All, I've got my nano macro algea tank up and running. I used live sand, a mix of cured live rock and dry live rock from my LFS and dosed with Fritz-zyme turbo start. I've always done fishless cycles but I was wondering if it's possible/advisable to try an invert in cycle as a way to...
  9. SaltyShel

    Bacteria bloom?

    [Little bit of info/background]: I had this 16g tank running, empty, for months. It never had lights on, only sunlight, and I thought it was cycled based on the ammonia/nitrate being none or low. A couple weeks ago my poor clown was dying and I tried to save him, so I put him in this tank (the...
  10. JSkeleton

    Cycling Update *HELP* (<0.25 Ammonia; 1.0 Nitrites; 160 Nitrates)

    I apologize for all the cycling posts lately, just want to be sure I get all of this right! ICYMI: 55 Gallon cycling for 2 and a half weeks having used Dr Tim's Ammonia Chloride to bring ammonia to 2.0ppm once and added Brightwell MicroBacter XLM 15x Nitrifying Bacteria. 42lbs arragonite, 20lbs...
  11. ReefBouquet

    Do I need to do a TDS test on a brand spanking new RO DI system?

    Hello! Thanks for stopping by. This is my mandatory "dumb" beginner question :) I have just gotten my very first marine tank wet for the first time to do a leak test and she has passed with flying colors! Now, I need to make some more RO DI water for the cycle. I have quality salt ready to mix...
  12. C

    Tank Cycle

    Recently, I just finished setting up my first tank (Marineland 5 Gallon Portrait), and now I am getting ready to begin the cycle. However, I have a few questions regarding the cycling process. I am planning on using Fishless Fuel and TurboStart 900 both from Fritz Aquatics. 1. Does the order in...
  13. C

    Tank Cycle

    Recently, I just finished setting up my first tank (Marineland 5 Gallon Portrait), and now I am getting ready to begin the cycle. However, I have a few questions regarding the cycling process. I am planning on using Fishless Fuel and TurboStart 900 both from Fritz Aquatics. 1. Does the order in...
  14. bleuchzsteve

    How long was your fishless cycle?

    I'm cycling my first tank and am just wondering how long it took everyone else. I have dry rock and live sand, but the question applies to any situation (dry rock, live rock, dry sand, live sand, bare bottom, ect.)
  15. M

    Quarantine Tank Cycle?

    I’m planning on starting a new setup with the reefer 350. I want to also build a simple quarantine tank and keep my fish in there while my main tank is cycling(20gal). Now my question is; do I need to cycle the quarantine tank? Or will I be fine if I have the right parameters? along with right...
  16. M

    Nitrite/ nitrate issues

    My tank is really stressing me out, which I hate because I can't seem to just enjoy it. Tank is 5 months old. I'm having a lot of trouble with nitrite and nitrAte. Nitrates were holding steady at 40, a water change to bring them to 20, and not even a week later, back to 40. So a few weeks ago...
  17. B

    Cylce help

    Don't really know where to put this. Sorry if in wrong spot. I started cycling my tank 3 days ago. I used 3 32 Oz bottles of fritz zyme 9 (needed at least 2.5 bottles but just dumped all 3) and Dr tims bottled ammonia. The bottle recommended me to use 4 drops a gallon. It also said 100 drops...
  18. OneMerissa

    Cycle parameter question

    Hey all. I have a biocube 32. Currently on day 15 of the Dr. Tim fishless cycle. My current readings are: PH 7.8 (and dropping) ammonia .25 (and dropping ) Nitrite at LEAST 5.0. That’s the highest the test kit will read and Nitrate also as high as the test will read at 160. should I do a water...
  19. L


    This will be week 2 of fishless cycle here are my results will it hurt if I bring my salinity to a 1.025 1.026 ? Test kit Salinity 1.023 Hanna Calcium 421 Hanna Phosphate 0.10 Hanna DKH 7.7 Hanna Nitrate 13.7 Hanna pH 7.8 Hanna Magnesium 1300 salifert Ammonia 0 api Nitrite 0 api
  20. ajtomase

    Potential stuck cycle

    Hello, I'm currently on day 13 of Dr. Tim's cycle and have been following his schedule for starting my cycle. I've dosed his ammonium chloride on his designated days, and dosed my 200 gallon tank with his One and Only on day 1 and another day on day 10 after email dissuasions with his team. My...
  21. Beez

    New Tank Set Up and Cycle process? Innovative Marine NUVO SR Pro 2 | 60 AIO Aquarium

    OK, my tank is scheduled for delivery this coming Monday Jan 31st. I've brand NEW to the process and just want to start off on the right foot. Innovative Marine NUVO SR Pro 2 | 60 AIO Aquarium First of MANY questions ... after I build the tank and fill with tap water to test for leaks ... 1...
  22. Alex's Nano Reef

    Tank Cloudy at the back end of Cycle

    last night i noticed the tank looked slightly cloudy and this morning is was about 3 times as cloudy. I'm on the back end of the cycle this is the test i just did about 15 minutes ago. The day before this these were my parameters and these are from my LFS who used the spin test i think it...
  23. K

    Need advice on cycling my tank

    Hey y'all, first time poster and saltwater aquarium keeper, so please bear with me. I'm currently 19 days into my cycle, and I'm not sure where to go from here. It seems like my tank is cycling rather slowly, but I would like to hear from you guys if I'm on the right track or not. My tank is...
  24. Afarouki

    Am I done cycling?

    Hey everyone I have a 65 gallon and did with-fish cycling (Two clownfish). I used MicroBacter start with dry rock and live sand. I’ve consistently read 0 Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate for 2 weeks. That didn’t really make sense to me, so I thought maybe my testing kit was not precise enough. I...
  25. amygetsalife

    Biological filtration for the QT when new to hobby.

    Wanting to run QT from the beginning. Have read Jay's info on quarantine, a lot of the nasty back and forth on QT/nonQT, quite off putting BTW, and still have one core question... To get biological filtration up in my QT, do I cycle it as well as my DT? Fish less, bottle bacteria. Or do I do...