
  1. B

    Help with upgrading my tank

    So I’m upgrading from a 55gal to a 90gal and I’m wondering what the best method is to start up my new 90 gal. I know to use all my old media to immediately introduce bacteria but my main question is how long will it take to cycle the tank if I use all my old media? And how long should I wait to...
  2. B

    Best way to cycle new tank with old tank?

    So pretty much I’m upgrading from a 55gal to a 90gal.I’ve had my 55 for about 3 years and it’s very mature, I’ll be using everything from the frist tank in my new tank.in the tank tank I’m also adding about 50% more dry rock. Im just wondering if there is a good method to allowingy new tank to...
  3. CallMeLloyd

    Tank was cycled, now its not?

    My first tank. Tank set up on 4/26/22, used Dr. Tims & Ammonia. Added 2 Clownfish on day 38 (had been reading 0 Ammonia & Nitrite for 2 weeks). Did my big water change before adding the fish. Probably 4-5 days of the clowns in the tank I noticed 1 had a small bump on his gil/side of face. Fast...
  4. OneMerissa

    Fishless cycle can not get Nitrite or Nitrate down!

    Hey all, I think I have read all on R2R regarding the fishless cycle but nothing I see that hits the nail on the head with my issue. I did Dr. Tims' one and only fishless cycle. Here's where I'm at: - Followed the directions to a Tee. I have a 32 gl LED Biocube. I used RODI water and Instant...
  5. Dcole12


    HI Everyone, Just kind of want to get the next steps or what to expect. My fish tank has been cycling for around a week and a half. I did half live rock and half dry rock. I did the stability ( bacteria ) for the first seven days. I do have this bacteria which I believe is diatoms. And when I...
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