
  1. TheoScapes

    Cyano or Dino? How do you tell the difference?

    Hey all, I don't have a microscope. Just want to know of there's a way to tell the difference between cyano and Dinos without one. The video attached is what I have in my tank currently. T
  2. E

    Please help identify

    Please help identify. I’ve had this in my tank for about two years and the only thing that gets rid of it temporary is Chemiclean. Thank you for your help
  3. Juan Andrés Botero R

    Bromide negative effect on Cyanobacteria

    I recently made a bromide addition to my aquarium and noticed that the appearance of cyanobacteria that I had in some places in the tank disappeared. Another hobbyist added bromide to his tank and also observed the same effect. 1 - Does anyone know the effect of bromide on cyanobacteria? 2 -...
  4. J

    Can very clear water promote cyano growth?

    Could very clear water(I think it may be very clear at least partly because of a lack of humic substances)promote the growth of cyanobacteria?
  5. J

    Can very clear water promote cyano growth?

    Could very clear water(I think it may be very clear at least partly because of a lack of humic substances)promote cyanobacteria growth?
  6. Aqua Splendor

    (Video) Dealing with Cyanobacteria

    Hello, I usually don't share my videos on the Generals subcategories of the forum, most of my video are hidden in my thread you can watch here...
  7. Aqua Splendor

    Cyanobacteria and the relation with Nitrate?

    Hello, so despite my research there's an element I'm not understanding with: How Nitrate help Cyanobacteria? I can't understand where the bacteria need it for growth, I'm confused. To build up one of its membrane layers? To promote the thylakoid? Obviously, it depends on the strain of...
  8. J

    Cyano in 20 Gal all in one

    Hello everyone! So my boyfriend and I both have nano 20 gallon all in one tanks (both about a year old) and we have been running without skimmers with no issues up until now. We’ve both started to get cyano bacteria on our sand beds but our tests are showing that our water is perfectly fine! I...
  9. Tadpolesreef

    Cyano, Dyno , or my coraline coming back?

    Hello reef2reef community , in the diatom stage of the cycle (hit one month). bringing an old tank from the dead with cycled live rock that ran in an established tank for roughly 5 years. Did my first water change after a couple diatom spots started creeping up. Diatoms are now gone but for...
  10. D

    Best dip to remove cyanobacteria/dino from torch coral

    Hi Ive got a torch coral that is receding a bit from cyano and dinos and want to use the dip that will be easiest on the coral but still remove them. I have lugols solution, coralrx, and hydrogen peroxide just want to use the one easiest on it as the cyano isnt growing too fast. Most of my tank...
  11. J


    I have this stuff all over the sand. 5 nitrates, 0.19 phosphate. Any thoughts? Seems too heavy to effectively siphon out. Blows off the rocks and frags very easily. Goes away at night, comes back strong during the day. Orange picture has a yellow lense over the camera, bluer one does not.
  12. J

    Dinos? Cyano? Diatoms?

    Hey, I've been battling one or two of the three that I listed in the subject. Ive been trying to maintain nitrates at 2-5, and phosphate has been 0.05. I have been dosing neonitro and Microbacter7. Here's a video of the algae under the microscope:
  13. fox0521

    Duncan + Chemiclean = !!!

    Hey folks! So I had a minor cyano outbreak. After chatting with some folks at my LFS, I took their advice (against my better judgement) and dosed with chemiclean. I was pretty hesitant about the use of chemicals as I am generally weary of any chemical additives. Hindsight being 20/20, I...
  14. Reefer37

    Please Help Me Get Rid of Cyano

    I'm just so tired of it and feel like I'm at my whits end. It's been a long 4 month battle and I've tried next to everything except chemical, which I rather just not do. I know I've read plenty of raving review on Chemiclean and others, but many of those just have the problem come right back...
  15. ctopherl

    Alk/Calc stabilization

    Very new to the hobby. I have a 54g display + 11g sump = 65g total water. I have two baby clowns, royal gramma, lawnmower blenny, an astrea snail, and an emerald crab. Bio load is very low. Gramma, blenny and crab were just added yesterday. For corals, I have a xenia, paly and zoa-all frags so...
  16. Reef and Dive

    Redfield Ratio Revisited – What are we doing wrong?

    Paulo Mallard Scaldaferri, João Carlos Basso, Marcos Augusto Bizeto, Miguel Mies, Roberto Denadai, Junio Melo Introduction Possible applications of the Redfield ratio in the management of the marine aquarium have been discussed over the year. Many have considered that knowledge very helpful...
  17. PBnJOnWheat

    What is Causing My Cyano?

    Hey guys, I have Cyanobacteria, pretty positive, as it consistently creates mats of algae on my sand bed, rock, and corals. It’s more of a clinging issue to my zoas, urchin, and rocks. It appears red and won’t stop coming back. I have tested my parameters to 0 nitrates, ammonia, phosphates...
  18. Daniel C.

    Cyano Assistance Needed

    Hello, I am a novice I have a 75 gallon tank that has been up for about four months. I am having a Cyano issue. For fish I currently have, 3 chromies, 3 fire fish, 1 scooter blenny, 1 diamond goby, 1 chocolate chip starfish, 1 sally lightfoot crab, and 1 clownfish. I went to my local fish place...
  19. MarineDepot

    Get Rid of Cyanobacteria and Algae

    Get Rid of Cyanobacteria and Algae A Recipe for Success from DrTim's Aquatics!
  20. MarineDepot

    How to Get Rid of Cyanobacteria

    How to Get Rid of Cyanobacteria RED SLIME!!! - Reef Tank Pest Control #3
  21. Jeremy K.A.

    Cyano crazed

    Hey everyone the past few weeks I’ve been dealing with Red Cyanobacteria in my 55 mixed reef. I have no idea what is causing it or why it won’t go away, even after manual removal. The parameters are as follows Salinity 1.026 Alk 10 Calcium 480 Nitrates 0 Phosphates 0 Temperature 78° steady. Flow...
  22. McGene

    Chemiclean -- Got rid of my Cyanobacteria

    As a new tank owner -- I experienced the common "red slim" outbreak. After some research -- I decided to try Chemiclean by Boyd Enterprises. I followed the directions carefully (even setting up a battery power air stone). Also, all carbon and other media must be removed along with a UV filter...
  23. Evan28395950

    Chemiclean Question

    Hello all, I’m going to start the chemiclean treatment tomorrow. I’ve tried multiple carbon filtration choices, and done other basic things to try and get rid of it, now it’s getting all over and decided to do this. My question: Is two air stones (aqua fizz 1 inch cylinder), and 900 gph flow...
  24. 40B Knasty

    Need help with cyanobacteria

    Here some pictures of my sand bed, the cyanobacteria in a bowl getting tested with H²O² to see what kind it is, and the product I picked up. I have an air stone and a 5g pump that I plan on running to increase the O² for a day. Then add the powder to some tank water. (Think it is 1 scoop per 15...
  25. Dan13

    What is going on with my tank? Big algae problems

    Hey Guys, New to the forums, so I apologise if this is posted in the wrong place. I did have a look around but could not find where to post it. I have had my tank running for around 4 months now. The tank (details below) cycled pretty quickly, and 2 months ago I added the first of my cleaning...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens