cyano algae

  1. B

    Need help with ID nuisance algae cyano or Dino?

    Last two weeks my take has been taken over by this ugly stuff and I’m not positive what it is and I do not want to take action if it is the wrong ID and course of action. If anyone could help me figure it out I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
  2. M

    Help with cyanobacteria / dinos ID

    Hello everyone, I've been battling with what I believe is cyanobacteria, but was hoping for other input to know if this is actually dinos. I've attached pictures here of my tank. I just did a 5gal water change on this (25 gal tank). I've had this tank for 8 months now and for the last few I...
  3. gmerfbox

    Aiptasia all of a sudden after 8 months?

    Weird situation. I’ve got an 8 month old 13.5 evo. I haven’t seen any Aiptasia during those 8 months. However, I recently moved the tank’s location and gave it a good clean. Now all of a sudden a few aiptasia have popped up, including one on the back of a frag plug and looks like it’s...
  4. Reefing Reefer

    Cyano or Bubble?

    I've started seeing these bubble-like algae in my reef. The tank's been running for approximately 10 months; 20 Gallon w/ mixed corals and a clownfish. I've had bubble algae in the past, and this doesn't seem to be the same - it more seems like the algae are growing over air bubbles. I've tried...
  5. Lxnza

    Big problrm with algae/cyano

    I don’t know what else I can do! I’ve been struggling with this type of algae (or cyano idk what is this) for some months. I did several water changes in order to stop the development. I spend my weeks quiting the algae of the tank and scrubbing the rocks, idk what else I can do.
  6. K

    Need help id and treatment plan.

    This is my first saltwater tank and has been set up for 3 months now. It is a red sea 625xxl This problem started out looking like dino or diatoms. More brown in color with tentacle like balls of gas. I put an mp40 in the tank and the balls of air went away but the color turned more red and...
  7. wvfeefkeeper80

    Algae Anxiety

    Algae Anxiety
  8. D

    Spider web algae (stringy) growing on top of corals. PLEASE HELP!

    Hello, first of all, sorry for the low quality of pictures. If anyone has any idea what this may be (algae, Dino’s, cyano?). A little background, I have had this tank for nearly a year now, about 2 months in, this spider web looking stuff (hard to see in the photos but it is a dark brown/reddish...
  9. taylorg009

    EMERGENCY Not Sure if this Cyano or Coralline Algae

    Noticed this in my refugium today. Not quite sure what exactly it is? Also noticed this brighter red algae top of my Aquascape kind of suspect cyano for that one. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated thanks in advanced I will update with water parameters shortly.
  10. R

    [PICS & VIDEO updated] : Help me identify this algae?

    Can someone please help me identify this nuisance alage I am having for the last 2 months now. I have an established 5year old SPS dominant system. My Nitrate is between 0-5ppm and my PO4 is 0.04 checked with Hanna URL checker. All the inhabitants of the tank are doing good. VIDEO:
  11. Dinosaur

    Cyanobacteria (red slime algae) vs copepods

    i've found something interesting, so this is my refugium, i stuffed it with a lot of macroalgae, but since the water flow is lacking, there was intense bloom of cyanobacteria (red slime algae), almost give up on this tank until i put some dead fish there, which a lot of copepods feed into it...
  12. agame2021

    EMERGENCY Out of nowhere!

    So I woke up yesterday and there was a tiny bit of cloudiness in my tank… I was like great so much for not going thru a second bloom… algae (cyano) kicked up and this time it wasn’t the stringy slimy stuff I had a little over 2 months ago. Well woke up this morning and the tank is super cloudy...
  13. T

    EMERGENCY Is this cyano?

    Recently I’ve noticed this reddish looking algae just in this frag rack and on my glass and was wondering if this is cyano?
  14. jcabral125

    New and need tank advice

    Hello everyone so clearly by the title I’m new to the hobby and need some help. A little backstory first I took over this tank from my former roommate that moved and didn’t take the tank with him. Before I took over the tank it had been broken down to be moved and set back up 2 times but the...
  15. jcabral125

    Novice needs tank advice

    Hello everyone so clearly by the title I’m new to the hobby and need some help. A little backstory first I took over this tank from my former roommate that moved and didn’t take the tank with him. Before I took over the tank it had been broken down to be moved and set back up 2 times but the...
  16. Zoa_Fanatic

    At my wits end with Red Dusty Algae

    Im battling some red dusty algae all over the sand and rocks in my tank. I have never seen diatoms or cyano present like this so im not sure what it is or how to treat it. Its a fine dust that settles into a sheet on the rocks. Its not the typical dark purple/red of cyano. Its fire engine red...
  17. DeNovice

    Can someone check this scope video out for ID?

    I have some brownish stringy algae on the sand bed. Here’s some scope pictures with a link to the video. One person said diatoms already but I’d like to get that confirmed. Thanks!
  18. D

    Cyano growth on birdsnest

    I have a year old birdsnest . I started as 1/2 frag and is now the the size of a plum. I have one problem with it that I can not solve. It has green and red cyano growing from some of its tips. It the only place in the tank cyano is visible. About a month ago I moved it so it could get more...
  19. N

    Battling Cyano with good parameters?

    Set up an Evo 13.5 4ish months ago and have been battling cyano for about a month now. I know it’s likely a bit of new tank syndrome, but I'm getting nowhere, and it just killed my nice chalice. It is especially frustrating as my parameters seem to be quite good and i’m very regimented with...
  20. J


    I have this stuff all over the sand. 5 nitrates, 0.19 phosphate. Any thoughts? Seems too heavy to effectively siphon out. Blows off the rocks and frags very easily. Goes away at night, comes back strong during the day. Orange picture has a yellow lense over the camera, bluer one does not.
  21. WSM

    GHA & red cyanobacteria taking over my tank need help.

    Hello, ill start with my setup 25 lagoon AI Prime mp-10 random flow nozzles IM desktop skimmer for 25 lagoon testing is as follow's Nitrate 0-2 calcium 410 alk 9.5 salinity 1.026 phosphate 0.19 livestock Midas blenny clowns fish YWG & pistol shrimp pair green dragonet 3-4 turbos the...
  22. J

    Dinos? Cyano? Diatoms?

    Hey, I've been battling one or two of the three that I listed in the subject. Ive been trying to maintain nitrates at 2-5, and phosphate has been 0.05. I have been dosing neonitro and Microbacter7. Here's a video of the algae under the microscope:
  23. jackalexander

    Nuisance Algae

    The tank is about 4-5 months old now and I can tell that the water parameters are becoming extremely stable with no fluctuations. I am starting to see purple/pink spots all over my rocks which I assume is coralline algae. The rocks are still super green and slimy though which I was told is...
  24. AdamMac21

    One algae after another

    Ok, so I have a 15 gallon with a clownfish, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp and cuc. I was having bryopsis issues, got rid of that but now I have green slime algae and red cyano in full force. Lights run from 10:00 to 9:00. I feed the fish every other day and reef roids once, maybe twice a week. I...
  25. Reefer37

    Please Help Me Get Rid of Cyano

    I'm just so tired of it and feel like I'm at my whits end. It's been a long 4 month battle and I've tried next to everything except chemical, which I rather just not do. I know I've read plenty of raving review on Chemiclean and others, but many of those just have the problem come right back...