curing live rock

  1. LeChef

    What to do after bleach cure?

    I’ve been researching to redo and successfully own a saltwater tank but I’m confused on curing the rocks. M’y rocks are also dead live rock here’s what I plan to do: 1. Put rocks in tap or hose water mix with bleach, leave for about a week with pump circulator 2. Dump previous mix and scrub...
  2. Spydersweb

    Curing live rock, starting new SW TANK

    Hello all, So, I am of course new to SW aquariums, and I have a couple of questions in regards to curing live rock. So, I’m about to set up my 90 gallon FOWLR aquarium in about a month or two, I already have all the equipment, just need to finish my basement first. Anyway, I’m going to start...
  3. The Curing Live Rock Bible and FAQ

    Beginner Topic The Curing Live Rock Bible and FAQ

    Live rock. This photo is a royalty-free image courtesy of Adrianna Calvo from Pexels This is an article for beginners. Since I didn’t see a sticky or article on this topic, I decided to tackle it myself. There are lots of differing opinions on how to cure live rock, and I’m going to explore...
World Wide Corals