
  1. RobberyinCSharp1824


    I am so upset right now. I've had a beautiful Yellow Tang in my QT for the last month or so while my 120 finishes cycling. The tang was swimming, had no signs of illness, ate regularly up until today. I just found him lifeless on the bottom of my QT. I started Copper treatment (Cuprion) on...
  2. Ferrell

    Have Velvet in reef DT. Please review my protocol and advise

    lost two fish today from a velvet outbreak. Other four (2 clown 2 reef chromis) still kicking and eating. Protocol: 10 gallon hospital Filter sponge from DT sump with air pump. Heater, no lights Water from DT to start Place fish in aerated freshwater heated rodi for up to 5 min. Then bath...