ctars 2017

  1. Ryan@ShelteredReef

    Thank you CTARS for an awesome show!

    I just wanted to say that we had a blast this weekend and it was nice meeting all of you folks that stopped by our table. I wanted to thank you guys for putting on another great Fragtoberfest and for having us. I can't wait for next year's show.
  2. sassAwrasse

    June CTARS Photo of the Month

    Hey all. We are doing our June Photo of the Month, we want to see your algae- this could be the algae itself, your chaeto reactor, or refugium setups including algae. Remember, your first picture posted is your entry. Normal rules as usual: The contest is open to current CTARS members only...
  3. sassAwrasse

    April CTARS Photo of the Month 2017

    Hey all. We are doing our April Photo of the Month, we want to see your fish photo bombs, fish portraits, etc. Remember, your first picture posted is your entry. Normal rules as usual: The contest is open to current CTARS members only. This month's prize is a $25 gift certificate to Aquatic...
  4. sassAwrasse

    1st Official 2017 CTARS Growout Sign-up

    Ok people! We are excited to announce that CTARS will be getting Rainbow Hornet Zoanthids for our growout!!! We have 30 frags available. 28 have showed interest. We need everyone to pay by Sunday 3/19. Pay at the meeting or via paypal. $20/person. Please confirm your interest, and I will pm...
TCK Corals