critter id needed

  1. A


    I have a few critters to ID and I hope none of them are bad. I have supplied a slew of pictures, with no clear meaning or direction. 1. I have a few clear/gray blob things around my tank that are just popping up and I’m not sure what they are. 2. I have a few root-like structures around the...
  2. R

    ID this little worm hep?

    Found this worm looking thing on the glass? Looks like it survived a dip at some point, very dead now but thinking where is the other 100? Thanks!
  3. W

    Friends or pest?

    Found this little guy wandering my tank glass this morning when putting up some new frag racks for some coral I had coming in. He/she was not one of our purchased cleanup crew. Did our clean up crew multiply or possibly a stomatella snail? Or is it something else that should probably be tossed...
  4. BoBiddly

    Odd, tiny Star like creature on my glass - what is it?

    I was cleaning my glass and noticed an abundance of these small Star like critters on my glass. They’re tiny - like a thin point to a lead pencil. To my eye they look like 4 pointed or Star shaped, but my phone was able to take a pretty detailed photo. Here are two different ones. ‍♂️ curious...
  5. BoBiddly

    Is this aiptasia? Got some new zoas and noticed this..

    I had a friend that is getting a new tank, so had to get rid of a lot of his corals. Some of his zoas have feather dusters, which I’ve heard are healthy for a mature tank. These pink cat eyes are the only corals that have these. They’ve been in my tank for about a week and have now popped up...
  6. TheFruitGoon

    Weird Worm Thing? Help!!

    Hey guys! My friend found this weird critter in their tank and we have no idea what to ID it as. Looks like some type of worm. Unfortunately there’s no pics of it in the water but I’ll attach a couple of pictures from outside of the tank. The spikes along it move almost like an urchins spikes.
  7. Z

    Sponge + Vermitid Snail?

    I have this squishy translucent sponge like thing growing on the side of this coral. On the top, a bit to the right of center, is a small tube with two small translucent white tentacles coming out of it. You can only see one tentacle in the photo. The large cut on the sponge thing is from me...
  8. b0bburg3r

    White pills that slowly move?

    Let me know if you need better photos. These keep multiplying and I’m wondering what the heck they are. They are little white pills that have been very very slowly move and quickly multiplying.
  9. M

    What the heck are these please?!?

    New here.. tank is about 7 months, have some torches, fireworks, hammers, and xenia. Tank is in recovery stage from velvet that wiped out all fish but 2 which are in copper QT. Found some aiptasia on larger firework frag and took it out to grab it off and super glue. These tiny quick, shrimp...
  10. Pelagikos

    Pods or something more diabolical?

    Hey guys just a quick question. Monthly, I add @AlgaeBarn ecopods. A couple of months ago I used one shipment of the Galaxy pod mix. Today while feeding my corals, I noticed in my chaeto overgrowth box these little (1/8 inch?) critters. I've looked around at some pictures but I can't seem to...
  11. A

    Isopod / Snail ???? Hard shell soft underneath

    So I noticed yesterday that my galaxia coral had what looked like bubble algae on it so I took out of tank and got it off and then noticed this creature that looks like a Rolly Polly gliding under the plug . It has a hard grey shell that has some dark markings on the front and back of shell. It...
  12. dbati

    Possible Crab Spawn?

    I’m not sure how this works but it looks like I have baby somethings all over the place. This was filmed last night. This morning there is no trace of them but I’ll keep you posted if they’re back at night. The only thing they can be is baby crabs as I don’t have 2 of anything else in my...
  13. P

    ID help

    Hello, we got an aquacultured coral several months ago. We dipped and scrubbed it and tried to remove any pests. However we have found these structures growing on the bottom of the mount, it has spread to around the mount. They seem to be light sensitive and will get larger at night time, and...
  14. Johnhunterwork84

    What is this on my glass?

    Woke up today and noticed 6 or 7 of these on glass. Never seen before. Hope that the photos are clear enough.
  15. S

    Can someone identify these weird white blobs ?

    I have all of a sudden noticed a large amount of white critters on my rock where there’s algae and on my glass when the lights have gone out. I’ve dossed copepods before however they never looked like this ... Any ideas many thanks. please see images below tried to get best images in...
  16. P

    Critter ID Help

    Hello, I think these might be acoel flatworm, I am not sure if that is correct. I am wondering if I should be concerned about these tiny guys.
  17. L

    Coral-esque branchlike growth

    I hunted around the hitchhiker and critter I.D. forums for a while now and haven’t seen anything like this, if it’s there and I missed it I apologize. I turned off the blue light for this picture, critter in question is to the right of the little gsp clump. Antler looking thing started from...
  18. wvfeefkeeper80

    Strange and Spawning

    Was chilling in front of the tank this morning and observed some spawn being released. At first I thought it was brittle stars spawning which I’ve seen them do before. When I looked closer I saw a small round critter, with antenna, and these two pink protrusions where the spawn was being...
  19. guppyexpress

    Mystery sea sponge

    this sponge just kinda…. Appeared? any ID on it? Is it harmful to my reef? I’ve been reading mixed information on it. Thanks so much! And have a wonderful day (Sorry for low quality image)
  20. O

    Help with Critter/Hitchhiker ID please

    Hello, Could someone help me ID the critters/hitchhikers in the attached pictures? The picture with the “snout” is located in the sump of my AIO, the white specs are located on the back wall in my display near where my clowns hang out. Tank is approx 1 year old and parameters are good baring...
  21. AstroMelly

    Aiptasia on Turban snail?

    Hi New reefer. Is this aiptasia on our newly acquired turbo please? Thanks in advance. Iain
  22. djm

    Critter ID please.

    I have a lot of white specs appear on my glass. They are pure white and move very slowly if at all. I managed to get a sample under the microscope. I have a few trochus snails in the tank which have been releasing eggs lately after a water change. Can anyone help ID them from the pics attached...
  23. Turtilinni

    Critter ID Needed!

    Attached are photos of gelatinous blob found in tank this morning. Sitting on top of some Feather Caleurpa (might not be spelling that right but the green seaweed) there is this white blob, about half an inch or two centimetres in diameter. Tank is FOWLR, emerald crabs, starfish and astrea...
  24. S

    Critter ID Help

    Hey everyone, I found this guy in my aquarium, I took it out just in case it’s bad. Would anyone happen to know if this is a good guy or bad guy for future reference incase I see more.
  25. D

    Help identifying something growing in refugium

    Anyone know what this is growing in my refugium?
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