
  1. J

    Opinions on tanks coral placement

    We are very new to the saltwater tank hobby and with every coral we bought tried to educate ourselves on placements for them. We would love opinions on whether they are placed ok or not. So please do not hesitate to criticize, it's the only way we will learn.
  2. J

    Opinions on tanks coral placement

    We are very new to the saltwater tank hobby and with every coral we bought tried to educate ourselves on placements for them. We would love opinions on whether they are placed ok or not. So please do not hesitate to criticize, it's the only way we will learn.
  3. Diveks

    Please critic my stocking list

    So from my previous thread you can see that ive been having a really bad aiptasia problem and had to restart my tank. This tank’s specs are: - dimensions: 81 x 26 x 24” - 210 gallons - sump is 3/4 of the tank. - 50 gal fuge (just in case) - over qualified skimmer - sulfur reactor - media reactor...