
  1. Laudamia

    Wormy thing with orange "stinger"

    Hello everybody, I just purchased a zoa and upon cleaning it prior to introducing it to my tank I found this critter. Does anyone know what this is? I have more photos and a short video if needed. I am keeping it in a separate container for now. It looks menacing and certainly not shy, makes me...
  2. Digitalfirex

    Help ID

    This lil guy appeared in my tank... not 1 of the ones I remember putting in. I believe it might have been born in the tank. I know I posted a picture before of what someone identified as snail eggs, but also mentioned they never hatch. Can this possibly be the result? Also what type of snail is...
  3. lazycouch

    anyone know what this guy is??

    there’s a couple of them on my glass about the size of a copepod wondering if i should scrape them off?