
  1. AquaticReefTV

    Stringy thing growing on the aquarium glass ID

    Hey everyone, my aquarium is about 1 year old, this thing growing on the glass since the last month or so. it would be great help if you could help me ID it. in the video in the last 20 sec, it is a bit blurry sorry, It is shot with a magnifying glass since it is so tiny. thanks
  2. ManaReef

    Hello New here, Hello!

    Hello all! My name is Rebecca. My husband has been in the reefing hobby for about a year now and works at a coral shop. While visiting him at the shop, one day, someone brought in a pair of gorgeous Black Storm Clowns. I fell in love with the two and that is how my journey started. I now have a...
  3. Diveks

    Tiny orange worm? And tiny creatures on the glass.

    My tank is fallow right now and with no fish around, I decide to focus more on the tiny things around the tank. I am seeing 3 creatures that I am not sure what they are. Whatever they are they are all over my tank, one grain of sand can have around 6 (yellow line) every spot you see in the sand...
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Worm with 2 tentacles?

    Found this 10 mins ago. There are a bunch of them. Seems like when the lights go out, they come out. Are they good or bad. Also, what do they eat and what is it? What do they do?
  5. reefsaver

    Hitchiker/Pest/Critter/ what the heck IS THIS, Please Help!

    I bought my first ever coral about 4 months ago, a small 2 head Torch and a fungia plate coral, I dipped them both and got a small flatworm off the torch luckily. A few days into owning the torch and watching it get used to the water and extend, I noticed a little section of bristly exoskeleton...
  6. reefsaver

    What is the coolest Hitchhiker that has made their way into your tank?

    We all like to treat our Coral with dip and maybe some of us don't do it or never have at all. I would like to know, what is the coolest hitchhiker that has made their way into your tank? Through buying Coral, live rock or live sand or anything. It would be interesting to find out if anyone has...
  7. ConorBishop


    So I know the picture is blurry but I can’t get a great shot. Found this little Slug looking thing in my tank today out of nowhere and wondered why if anyone can identify it and tell me if it could harm my aquarium?
  8. nightmarepl

    Bugs? Worms / weird alien? Need help ASAP!!!

    hey so i decided to lift up some rocks and look around my tank today noticed some weird stuff going on first i all my rocks even my filter has been getting these weird red spikes all over i ripped one off was hallow on the inside like a tube? Second My monti cap had a weird hard rock like tube...