crab id

  1. S

    What crab is this?

    Reef safe or not? Thank you.
  2. soo

    Is it Gorilla Crab ?

    Is it Gorilla Crab? Right? Crab‘s pincers end is black. Is it eat Acro? I thought it is a very cute…
  3. Zhugelaocunfu

    Gorilla crab?

    I found my six line wrasse and green chromis MIA a month ago, and yesterday night I found this thing in my living rock, its a kick in my balls to get it out (no fish so I used the brute way:freshwater bathed the living rock for around 3-4 mintues).looks kinda like gorilla crab,this crab is...
  4. K

    What crab and is it dangerous to my fish etc?

    Hi guys, i'm reasonably newer to the fish tank hobby! I have had this crab in my tank for about a year now. Bought as a little green emerald crab and then it shed and turned red a few times and has grown quite large. No idea what type of crab he is, and whether he will be harmful to the other...
  5. A

    Crab ID- Living in Coral/Zoa Colony

    Can anyone help me ID this crab and is it coral safe? I noticed my zoas have been looking poor and dissapearing and not sure if this guy is to blame. Video is attached along with some photos. cheers
  6. Alexopora

    Crab ID

    Curious if anyone knows what kind of crab these two are.
  7. H

    Crab ID

    Anyone ID this hitchhiker crab?
  8. dbati

    ID This Filter Feeder Crab

    Hi all, need help identifying this nocturnal seemingly filter feeding crab.
  9. D

    I have an interesting one

    I have a crab I caught up that is now killing every expensive fish I've bought. (Two lions and a cowfish)
  10. D

    Crab Identification, Please

    This little guy has been eluding my camera for quite a while now, but I finally got a picture of him. He was a hitchhiker on a Petco rock and he’s super chill. He hides most of the time and only comes out when food is close to him.
  11. dbati

    Black & White crab with Red claws

    I have had this little guy come with my live rock. The tank has been up and running around 5 to 6 weeks and he’s still here. Very small and timid. If anyone knows what it is I can’t figure this one out.
  12. 208Reefer

    What kind of crab is this?

    Found this lil hitchhiker tonight, anyone actually know what kind of crab it is? And please don’t just say “how cute” or “I want one” Thank you!
  13. F

    Crabs in food? Should I toss it?

    I found some type of crab in the Hikari half shell clams when feeding the tank? Should I toss the bag or consider it a snack for the tank? Also what kind of crab is it?
  14. F

    Small hitchhiker crab

    Got this small hitchhiker crab on a coral, its maybe 1cm at most, looks super cool, but dont want to put anything too dangerous in my tank. Grains of sand for size reference Any id or advice? Its just in a bucket with a heater now.
  15. Wen

    Crab ID, possible jawfish predator?

    Been losing healthy jawfish at night, could this crab be the reason? thank you
  16. Lady of Babylon

    Cryptic crab identification help please

    It only recently moved to a part of the rock where I could see it. It doesn’t appear to ever leave this rock. Need an id to know if it is reef safe/ isn’t going to outgrow it’s rock… and my tank.
  17. Ikhwans

    Found unknown crab

    Hi, just found this tiny crab during night inside liverock hole, anyone know this crab id? Reef save or not?
  18. Y

    Red emerald crab?

    Hi all, I got this from the local fish shop they said it was an emerald crab but red and it happens some times. Just thought I would post some pictures for opinions? The shop have a very good reputation so hoping they are right.
  19. V

    please help with crab id

    hey! can anyone identify this hitchhiker? thank you!
  20. 3

    Confirming Emerald Crab (also what’s this black/white hole in the claw?)

    We bought this “emerald crab” today and just want to confirm whether or not it is actually an emerald crab because it is not green like most of the pictures online. We were thinking that maybe perhaps because it is juvenile that it hasn’t turned green yet. Also when we got home we realized that...
  21. Wen

    Crab molt id?

    Found this crab molt. Any ideas if friend or foe? (about an 1” large, bright red carapace, fuzzy legs)thank you.
  22. Bento

    Hitchhiker crab ID help. Maybe Acro

    Hey everyone, I got a hitchhiker today. Not sure if he's reef safe or not? He's tiny at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  23. Raj2306

    Crab ID hosting on sea urchin

    My sea urchin was not doing well and losing most of its hair suddenly. I seperated and moved it to refugium. It stopped moving today and when I noticed closely I saw something crawling all over it's body. I've seen this many times but all the while I was thinking it's urchins mouth. It looks...
  24. ReefReadyYouTube

    Crab ID

    This carb has made a hole in the sand under all my rocks I would never be able to get him. Should I leave him in or get him out. Is he safe to leave in?
  25. B

    Large Crab ID

    Hey guys. I just picked this guy up at my LFS. Guy said he was a pest hitchhiker so I bought it off him for a couple bucks. His body is probably about 3 inches wide not including the claws/legs. He's pretty big. He's munching on some octopus I just gave him. I bought it for my mantis shrimp...
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