corals not opening

  1. J

    HELP! Possibly chalice dying???

    We’ve been having issues with our corals, weve added a new recordea mushroom which is settling and doing well, along with a pink chalice which isn’t doing too great, had Zoas and gsp for over 2 months both of which have grown spread and the zoas are doing great. we did have a temperature swing...
  2. O

    Why are my corals not fully opening up?

    Why are my corals not fully opening up? Could it be because of the water circulation pump speed? I use instant ocean reef crystals with RODI water. My water parameters: Salinity 1.025 Temperature 80° Alkalinity 8.8 PH 7.8 Calcium 400 Phosphate 0 Nitrate/Nitrite 0
  3. lucyretz

    help me figure out why my corals arent happy

    Hi all, Once again i find myself running out of knowledge. My euphyllia corals arent opening fully and I cant figure out why. PARAMETERS: ALK: 8.78 (trident) CAL: 544 MAG: 1407 ORP:200 PH: 7.84 SALT: 35.10 TEMP:77.3 NITRATE: 10.01 (HANNA) PHOS: 0.15 (HANNA) System: 2 Ai primes running david...
  4. D

    Neon Green Gonipora

    I just bought this green gonipora today. It has been dipped and put in the tank for a couple hours now but it won’t seem to open up and I’m not sure. It had opened up just about a quarter inch before and then I moved it and moved it back to the original spot and it still hasn’t opened. All the...