corallife biocube skimmer

  1. J

    Should I get a skimmer for my biocube 32?

    I’ve had the tank set up for about a year, and currently have a sapphire damsel, fire fish, and some LPS and softies. The tank is stable, and my water change schedule is doing fine, but I’m wondering if it would be worth it to go for a nano skimmer for it. Are there any reasons I should or...
  2. Evan28395950

    Air stone cur

    Hi all, so I was trying to install corallife biocube skimmer in my tank and I couldn’t get any bubbles, then I noticed this cut on the air stone, might that be the reason?
  3. Evan28395950

    Corallife Biocube Cancer Warning

    So I ordered this skimmer for the second time, now it has this warning sticker on it. I’ve heard about this alittle bit, but how worried should I actually be?