
  1. N

    Is this Cyano?

    Hey guys, noticed a few dark purple spots on one of my rocks, could somebody help identify if it is Cyano or possibly coraline? thankyou
  2. Lerequin

    Fluorescent coraline

    Hello, today I noticed the coraline on the back of a snail turned bright fluo pink. It used to be purple like on the mussel shell behind it. Have you seen fluorescent coraline before? Could this be caused by low PO4 levels (~0.06 ppm)?
  3. Uzair Aiman

    Coraline algae

    Hi! Im currently cycling my tank without fishes. My ammonia is around 1.5ppm and the nitrites are at 4ppm the last 2 days I checked. So I guess it currently cycling correctly where the nitrites are spiking and the ammonia should come down soon. I havent realized when I bought this rock the past...
  4. Jaspervdb

    Coraline on cheato?

    Dear Reef2Reef, I recently got my first ball of cheato and some pieces are covered in small tube like things. Some at the end of the cheato and some in de middle. Can this be coraline algea or are they vermetid snails? Or anything other than that? Seems to be clear of any other hitchhikers...
  5. ThatsNoMoon

    EMERGENCY Tank Crashing?

    Hello all I just woke up to find all my snails at the top of the tank if not above the water level. The Coraline all over my tank is turning white around the edges. the fish seem ok but are all sleeping as the lights are off. This is all overnight I did a quick water change to see if it...
  6. CommanderInReef

    is this sponge?

    I had this orange stuff growing throughout my rock but now it's almost hairy in one spot. Any answers?
  7. smartwater101

    How do you feel about Coralline algae in your tank?

    Its usually a decent sign of quality water conditions, but I’ve never been a big fan of the back wall covered in coralline. Looks a kind of dirty. But at this point I can’t really bring myself to take the time and scrape it off. Someone scrape this crap off the tank walls for me lol How do...
  8. LilElroyJetson

    Does Coraline Prefer Red Light?

    The coraline has finally started popping up in my tank! I’m excited, BUT, unfortunately, it only appears to be growing in my chaeto reactor :eek:. I used two bottles of bottled coraline about a month ago, I figured it was overkill but I wanted the purple and pink strains, and to speed up the...
  9. C

    Coraline Algae

    Hello im somewhat new to saltwater aquariums ive had mine up now for roughly 6 months. Im have trouble getting different types of coraline algae to grow. The only color i have is a reddish color and from what i understand other colors have to be physically brought into my tank? How would i go...
  10. Hugo Garcia

    Is this Coraline?

    Hi guys, I need help figuring out what is this stuff on my rock. I’ve had this tank running for almost 4 months now. I have Dry rock and live rock on it. And the dry rock is getting all this green and purple stuff on it. I think is coraline, but it keep getting off the rock everytime I do a...
  11. Aaron Davis

    Bleaching Coraline and water parameters

    Hey all, My coraline algae that was once purpleish, is now bleaching white or a faded grey. I'm assuming it's my lighting because parts that have less light are still purple. Behind my anemone when it shrinks up, the coraline is still purple behind it. It started with white spots taking...
  12. sayitfast

    Red algae / maybe corline / ???

    I can only see this when the blues are on... during the day I do see the red but it looks like red coraline maybe red algae? But under the blues I see the gold circle looks like a mouth? I really don't know. Video is not great I will try to get a better shot later with my DSLR.
  13. Jakewatt

    Rocks touching back glass or not?

    Hi all, Quick question: I'm about to start a layout and my initial thought was to make sure the rocks never touched the glass, and the back too, for maintenance reasons. Concerning the back glass panel, I also prefer black clean looking glass as opposed to completely coraline-invaded background...
  14. D

    Coraline starting to form!

    Whoo hoo!!! I just noticed the good old purple stuff growing on my tank. Tank is a 4 month old, 29 gallon frag tank with a few fish in there. I didn't add any additives to make it grow or anything special at all. A lot of the frags I purchased had some form of coraline on the plugs, so I'm...
Queen City Corals