
  1. OneMerissa

    Coral ID please

    Can anyone help ID this? The first two pictures are when I first bought it. The next one plus the video are today, about three months later I’m leaning towards Goni
  2. M

    Acro ID please?

    Bought this from my LFS and he orders and pays by the size of the coral and not the name. So he just got this as an Acropora sp. But what species do you think this is? 2 pictures are what it looks like now after shipping, so it lost alot of color. And one picture is before shipping.
  3. S

    NPS Gorgonian ID

    Hi I just got a new gorgonian and it's my first coral in my seahorse tank. I'm curious to know the identity of this species as I'm unable to find it anywhere and the lfs I got it from only knows that it is a nps Gorgonian. Any help would be appreciated
  4. andrei09d

    Coral ID

    Wife came home with this frag and I’ve no idea what it is! Any ID?
  5. M

    Coral ID

    Can someone help me ID this acro?
  6. Alexopora

    Coral ID; Lithophyllon

    I have had this coral for about a year now. Just kinda want to confirm if its a Lithophyllon. The reason I am asking for this is that I have a dead Plate coral, just the skeleton and I am thinking of transplanting a frag of these on to that skeleton just to see how it would grow.
  7. TbSaysNo

    Anyone able to ID these corals?

  8. aurora.k

    Anyone know what coral this is?

    Picked this up at my LFS and they didn’t know (even though a quite knowledgeable LFS). Closest looks like an astreopora to me given the purple body (quite purple under whites) and spaced apart green polyps…. I have the linked astreopora in my tank so it is definitely not that - polyp shape more...
  9. G

    Can anyone help me figure out what's growing on my Zoa?

  10. J

    Quick Coral ID

    Hello everyone, I am new to F2F! have a quick question on the species of these corals in my 5G Nano. Thank you
A Reef Creation