
  1. PMReef

    Can a coral partially die?

    I have had this hammer a long time and suddenly a couple of heads changed looked stressed but the other part looked normal. So my question is if can a coral die partially like the photo.
  2. N

    Nano Build 20G High First Ever Saltwater Build

    Hello all, It’s a pretty funny story how this 20G build came to be. My GF and I were at uncle bills to get her a Beta fish, one thing led to another and we were stuck on the gorgeous saltwater fish. We both always loved aquariums and I’ve always wanted a tank. Well we decided to go with a...
  3. coastalnanoreef

    Moved tank 3 hours away and now Euphyllia won’t open

    I moved my tank from college back home. My corals have been perfectly fine. Now they won’t open. Can anyone help my and tell me why they won’t open? I’ll attach a pic. The water is cloudy because I just dosed calcium to make up for the low calcium. Calcium:340 ppm Nitrate: between 0-5ppm...
  4. lazycouch

    is this normal??

    hey guys i just got this frag at the lfs and noticed it’s almost covered in brown. i tried blowing it off and brushing it off thinking it was something that’s not part of the tissue but i guess it is. is this due to insufficient light, some type of bacteria, or am i just dumb and it’s a normal...
  5. lazycouch

    light schedule help

    hey everyone. i have the marine fluval 3.0 LEDS and am trying to figure out which light schedule/pattern works best. after doing the research about what colors are actually beneficial to corals and how your light patterns should mimic that of the suns, i’ve planned a couple of different methods...
  6. lazycouch

    new xenia. help??

    hey guys i just bought this xenia who was fragged right in front of me at the LFS about 6 hours ago. it’s been bending over like this for a while now and when i supported it with my fingers it’d stay upright for ~10minutes. was wondering if this is normal since it’s new/freshly fragged? wouldn’t...
  7. lazycouch

    tentacles or worms on my coral?

    hey guys a lot of you might laugh but i’m new to the hobby and was wondering what this is at the stalk of my new finger leather? i had fed my fish blood worms the other day and thought a couple of them got jammed there but now that i look closer it seems like the tips have feather-like things on...
  8. Sakosreef

    Acans turning translucent

    Hi everyone hope you’re doing well. I recently purchased an acan colony and it placed it in the low-mid level of my tank and it’s slightly angled. The ones on the bottom of the colony are turning clear for some reason, does anyone know what mag be causing this?? The top side of the colony is...
Pirates Reef Corals