coral warfare

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    LPS and leathers

    Hey guys I’ve got a small devils hand and a huge toadstool in my biocube. Pretty sure the toadstool is ok but do the devils hands relsease teepenes that bother LPS? I’ve got a nice torch but it doesn’t seem bothered at all so far. I also run a protein skimmer and carbon and both leathers are...
  2. KaitCorals

    Zoa vs Euphyllia

    Weird Question Guys! If there is real estate between zoas and euphyllia and the zoas eventually multiply and encroach on euphyllia territory what happens when they eventually collide? Do the euphyllia sweeper tentacles keep the zoas at a distance? Do the zoas just run rampant and overtake the...
  3. Dad2Wyatt

    Should my corals be allowed to grow as they please?

    A few weeks ago I came across a tank(can’t remember where) that was huge, and the corals were allowed to grow where and how they wanted, even if it meant fighting between corals. While parts of the tanked looked great, others not so much. I completely dismissed the idea. since then I’ve seen...
  4. SEPDXReef

    Acropora Bleaching / STN and Mixed Reef Coral Warfare

    Hello Everyone, I wanted to share my experience with a mixed reef and acropora bleaching / STN. I have been running my Waterbox Reef 70.2 (65 gallon system) for about 9 months at the time of writing this post and I have lost my fair share of acropora in that time. At first I chalked it up to...
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    Can leptos grow next to each other

    Can I grow two lepto on the same rock without them going to war with each other? I have a mr. Freeze and I’m looking to pair it with something.
  6. Zoa_Fanatic

    Lepto and cyphastrea together

    Ok so I know ones SPS and one is LPS but can these two corals coexist on the same rock or will one run the other into the dirt with coral warfare? I have a Mr. Freeze lepto I want to pair on its rock with a cyphastrea but I’m not sure how they would interact:
  7. jassermd

    So... I thought Scolys got along...

    I, like many of us, was under the impression that corals of the same species can get along. Well, this doesn't seem to apply to scolys... or at least these 2. And for those of you that may think that the bleeding apple may have been able to fend off the attack, here's the morning after... That...
  8. Michelesreef

    Coral Warfare Question...

    I need some advice. We've been told the larger pink polyps are Utter Chaos but we've also been told they aren't so I don't know. Anyways, these two corals are touching and I'm wondering if I should move them? They look like they're doing just fine but I really don't know. Kinda just want some...
  9. Reefer37

    Birdsnest Fell on Frogspawn

    So yesterday came home with some new frags and placed them in the sandbed before lights out. Well I guess at some point my conch knocked over this new birdsnest I got on top of a really nice frogspawn. Now it looks like there's recession and brown spotting where the birdnest had fallen on. Any...
  10. Reefer37

    Yumas and Florida's

    Can these two coexist with each other or will one try and take out the other? I wasn't sure since they're both Ricordeas but totally different places in the world.
Pacific East