coral treatment

  1. P

    Philaster guamense detected on SPS. Should I worry?

    I got an acro frag from a friends tank that was struggling (STN) hoping to recover it. eventually I dipped it in revive and saw dozens of small black organisms coming off. After microscopy examination, I ID'd it as Philaster guamense based on morphology and having microalgae (zooxanthellae) in...
  2. Minhaj Qazi

    Treating Brown Jelly Disease Successfully

    HI reefers. Hope all well. Off late i had been losing my torch coral heads one after another. Despite fragging the frag head could not survive the slow decay and finally Brown jelly was Visible just before its last breath. I searched various Forum and also read how Antibiotics can...
  3. Starfishandseahorse

    Hair Algae on Pipe Organ Removal

    Hiya everyone! Quick question. My tank is doing great and my algae is under control nicely except for one holdout. My pipe organ is covered in green hair algae and I'm at a bit of a loss as to how on Earth to remove it all. Every few days I pull off as much as I can but it is insidious and the...
  4. Thawman

    Elegance coral dip/treatment?

    Transferred from a 40g to a 100g. Have had the elegance just over 1.5 years. Initially was PO'ed going into the new tank then seemed to settle out. Now over the last 2-3 weeks I'm seeing some tissue recession. 1 week ago did a Revive, Iodine, and a Chemiclean dip. Appeared to be healthy...
  5. G

    Coral Frag Plug Help?! New Reefer

    Hello all, I’m new to reefing and I have started off my journey with a Red Sea Max Nano, all is going very well! I bought my first coral yesterday which is the torch you can see in the photos, I think it’s happy? Anyway, it’s come on this big black square frag plug which doesn’t have a stem...
  6. Kerbash

    Elegance Coral Syndrome: Treatment Log

    Background I came home from work today and was treated with my nightmare. One of my favorite coral, the elegance contracted the "Elegance Coral Syndrome". So I'm making this post regarding the treatment that I'll do and the results, fingers crossed, as a reference people who are having the same...
  7. Eva Rose

    Help - please id problem with coral & best treatment!

    Hi Attached is a pic of my gonipora frag. Is this Brown Jelly Disease? Or is it a sting front the other gonipora nearby? I dip all my corals before placing them in the tank. I have some Revive & Coral Rx on hand. Should I remove it & treat coral? How do I do this & not make the infection...
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