coral tissue

  1. B

    Amazing Growth & Polyp Extension But Lack of Tissue Color

    Hey Everyone, Having a bit of an issue with my first Acro frag that is puzzling me. I was sold this frag about 1.5 months ago as Bali Green Slimmer. You can see the picture from when it first went in the tank. I've also provided some up to date images from today as well as a quick video. The...
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    New candy canes help

    I just got these kryptonite candy canes a few days ago. They split between the pollops after bringing them home and now the tissue is receding. I’ve moved them higher in the tank where the flow is less and they’re about 8” directly below my light to get some good light. What can I do to help...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    New candy cane help.

    Got some new candy canes after nuking my old ones. Just blew some sand off them and it looks like they have a tiny bit of tissue damage betwee where the heads are splitting. Will they be ok?
  4. N11morales

    Hammer white spots

    Hello yesterday one if the heads had a small white dot. Didn’t think it could be anything. I’m new to Euphyllia so I’m not sure if this is normal. Today I looked the white spot is bigger and another spot popped up on another head. What is this??
  5. TommyGo

    I don't know what is wrong

    I started my tank in March of 2019. Things have been going well until recently. I've noticed some, not all, of my SPS and LPS corals' tissue start to recede. I thought this could be due to dosing vibrant so I stopped dosing it 4 weeks ago. My issues continued so I bought an ICP test to try to...