coral suggestions

  1. Rham1281

    75G stocking ideas

    I am in the process of compiling a list of stock I want to keep in my tank. I plan on having a mixed coral/fish tank and clowns are pretty high up on my list as well. Other than that, I'm not too sure on what other fish I want to keep. Dimensions are: 48'' long, 18'' wide, 21" tall What...
  2. rodzyo

    Coral suggestions

    Hello everyone, Just looking for a little advice, I currently have moved from a nano to a RSR 250v3. Does anyone have any nice coral ideas? Ones that really pop under the lights. also another question is, where do people source their corals? My lfs seem to be struggling getting variety’s in...

    Low light coral suggestion near powerhead

    Hi wanting some suggestions for a coral around 50par, roughly 6 inch from power head set on random….. power head is a sow-4 set roughly at 12%…. thanks
  4. S

    Lighting & Corals

    So I have my tank already been cycling with live rock for about 1.5 months and I believe im ready for some corals. Here are my specs: Tank Dimensions: 17.72"(L) x 17.72"(W) x 17.72"(H) Stand Dimensions: 17.72"(L) x 17.72"(W) x 30"(H) Tank Capacity: 24 Gallons Glass Thickness: 8mm Filtration...
  5. kennedysherman

    Best Types of Coral to Place on a High Arch?

    What type of coral would be happiest/safest going on the arch of the rock? Currently none of my coral are glued down because I wanted to make sure that they will thrive in their location before it becomes their permanent home. There are plenty of spaces on the main sections of the rock...

    Any good Lsp corals for top 3rd of tank

    Hi I’m wanting suggestions for Lsp corals for top 3rd / left side of my tank….. Currently have 2 hammers on right side of picture…. Got a blue/green toxic hammer comming tomorrow for top part between the 2 existing hammers on the peak and placing a micromussa lord at the bottom right on the...
  7. Reefer37

    Easy High Light Corals

    Noticing the top 1/3 of my tank kinda bare and could use some suggestions on easy corals that I can put high that aren't just zoas or some invasive type coral. Got a leather and toadstool already higher up. Any recommendations?
  8. GavinTrz

    Build Thread My First Reef Tank Build!!

    Hi Y'all! Today I thought I'd finally share my progress on my first reef tank, I have a lot of freshwater experience but I am completely new to saltwater so the entire first month has been a brand new experience. For my tank, I decided to go with the 40 gallon cube from Aquatop. picked this...
  9. N11morales

    AIO Build 32G biocube: Coral suggestions

    Hello I was wondering what other corals people would recommend me to get in my tank. I know it’s preference but I’m curious to what others would add.
  10. Reefer37

    Coral Recommendations

    So I have a JBJ45 that's been running for a little over 6 months now and trying to get ideas on corals and placements I can add on with. I'm wanting to add to my reef and honestly pretty open to ideas! I'm planning for the bottom middle to have a clam, just waiting till I really felt...
  11. Reefer37

    Coral Suggestions

    Looking for any coral recommendations that won't grow out of control (GSP, Xenia, etc.) for the back of my rockwork. It's pretty shaded overall and tends to get quite a bit of flow, so I'm really not sure what would be a good coral. Any suggestions would be great!
  12. Evan28395950

    Coral Suggestions

    anyone have any coral suggestions? Just got rid of my gha problem with the help of my Puffer and snails. I need some suggestions for non sps corals that would look good in my tank shop rare & farmed corls