coral reef lights

  1. H

    Hexcolor #

    What’s the correct or perfect hexcolor # for max reef lighting?
  2. Salty Sea Flowers

    How many Radion XR G6 for this tank?

    Can I please get a little advice? How many Radion XR G6 lights would I need for a 72" x 24" x 29"; 210 gallon tank?
  3. Teaman89

    Building a 75gal from scratch with my wife.

    Hello, My Wife and I have decide to build a tank from scratch. We just bought a 75 gal tank drilled with over flow in the left hand corner, plumbing and a new sump. I need some advice on a good return pump, should I go with the AI led lights, what is a good skimmer, and recommend power head/...
  4. N11morales

    32G Biocube Lighting Settings

    Hello, I have had my biocube for about 2 months now. I have been trying to look at better lighting schedules for my tank. Right now its on for about 12 hrs a day and i have read and been told it should be on no longer than 8-10 hrs a day of lighting. I prefer the lights to turn on around 10 or...
Tropic Marin USA